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It was a average rainy Saturday movie night with the group, Mike in the lazy-boy with eleven sleeping peacefully on his lap, Lucas snuggled up with max on the couch, and the two boys Will and Dustin on the floor staring up at the tv with a bucket of popcorn. Everyone is completely engaged in the feature franchise film Star Wars, when suddenly the door bell rings. Mike was the only one who heard it, he hated to wake up el from her peaceful sleep but he knew If he didn't answer the door no one would have. He taps eleven softly trying not to startle her. She wakes up gasping for air screaming

"PAPA!" Her face was filled with fear and panic. Everyone jumped in panic but saw mike was already taking care of it per usual.

"Shhhh it's ok baby, its ok I just needed you to move for a minute someone's at the door." She slowly starts to calm with mikes reassurance, but her breathing is still fast and unsteady as mike gets up to answer the door. He opens the door and sees a milk chocolate teenager with matted down purple hair. He without question invites her in and hands her a towel. Eleven curiously and silently peers around the corner ,As the mysterious girl drys off in the kitchen with mike. As she drys her long black sleeve lifts and shows her 08 branding. Mike gasps for air "y-your a n-number?" Eleven notices who it is and runs to her.
"SISTER" Eleven exclaimed and jumped into her arms. Mike steps away and is utterly confused.

"I've missed you too" says the girl sincerely.

"S-ss-sister?" Mike is in shock as the two girls chit chat back in forth " wait sister?" Eleven and the girl giggle.

"We will explain" said the girl. Everyone gathered around to hear the story of there meeting and the past.

"So what's your freakish power?" Max said eagerly.

"DUDE!" " MAX" "THATS RUDE" they all screamed at the same time to the point where it was indecipherable.

"Sorry..." max says trying to remember

"Kali" she said

"Kali.. well sorry kali I didnt mean it" max says nervously shuffling her feet

"It's ok" kali smiles at her. " I have the power to make people see things that aren't actually there" she shows the trick with the butterfly to everyone like she did for eleven. Everyone was quickly impressed with her abilities and was fascinated.

"But how did you find her?" Mike questions suspiciously, he moved closer and puts his arm around el subconsciously. She looks up and smiles at him.

"That is irrelevant at the moment but, I'm afraid I come with bad news," Kali's face saddens. "I came in urgency I need your help, please take a seat so I can explain." as she says this  everyone heads to the dining room table and sits but eleven sits on mikes lap. So then she begins to explain

 So then she begins to explain

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Oooo sorry cliff hanger... what do you guys think leave me comments and I want to be clear really quickly THIS IS NOT A ONE SHOTS BOOK this will have a plot line and pre planned scenes SO NO REQUESTS thanks you 💓💓

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