Chapter 1

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I woke to my hot pink and zebra print room light by sunlight. Which is odd because it's Thursday and I was supposed to get up at 6 which then it's still dark out. I jump out of bed so fast the room starts to spin and I see red splotches and I have to pause so I can tell what's what and once the splotches go away my room is once agin it's normal pink, black, and white. I immediately go to my nightstand for my phone and check the time exiting the "new messages" I got while I slept. 10:23. " Why didn't my parents wake me?" I ask myself. Then I realize they probably didn't hear the alarm my mother sets to go off at 6 every night. I walk to the intercom that is drilled into the wall of my room and once you say something it goes to every room in the house so I know that if I say something into it, it will project my announcement to their room and wake them so I press down the "Talk" button and say, "Its time to get up!" I said it just like my mother does to me. No answer. Oh well I'm sure they are up now so I continue with my normal morning routines knowing that my parents will want me too, and get ready by putting on the first pair of jeans I see and a bright blue plaid button up shirt. It's my favorite plaid and button up shirt I have I only have 1 more and its a grass green color but I like this one better because blue is my favorite and I look best in it. After I'm dressed I go to my dresser and begin to brush my hair first parting it on the left of my head and brush the hair on the right side of my head while looking at my natural curly and wavy dark brown hair wondering why people love it so much. I know it's pretty but people tell me that they love it and are jealous of my hair but all I see is brown nearly black wavy and curly hair that is okay. Then I start to brush the left side and notice a perfectly shaped dark red oval on the middle of my left cheek I get closer to the mirror examining it and there is a swirly design in bright red on the oval like a thumb print and touch it with fascination and it stings with fire that sends a shock throughout my body. I can feel it go from my cheek to my jaw and then to my neck connecting with my spine and brain that moves even more down only stopping when it reaches the nails of my toes. I touch it agin and feel the shock agin but a little less so and then do that over and over agin until I'm used to it's sting of fire. Then I touch it longer and it heats my fingers that's when I realize that it's a burn. How did I get a burn in my sleep? How is it such a perfect oval shape? Why does it look like a thumb print? Did someone do it to me? I automatically turn my head from side to side looking for any source of life but there's nothing. Then without making a single a noise I get on my knees and look under my bed nothing. Then I get back up smoothly agin no noise and walk to my bathroom door put my hand on the handle and take in a deep breathe preparing myself to face someone or something that is ready to kill me which is hard to do and then I open the door slowly agin with no noise and look into the mirror on my right that takes up most of the wall looking for movement nothing. Then I walk to the next available door which is the one that leads to the hallway outside my room and meanwhile looking side to side for agin any movement and when I reach the door I stick my head out and look side to side nothing agin. I step back into my room and walk to the closet agin bracing myself for someone to attack me and open the door and all I see are my dance costumes I have for this years recital hanging up on the top half of my closet rack and even though I have only 8 they take up all the space with my ballet and pointe tu-tu. Thats it nothing but clothes I close the door in confusion but unsurprised I did all of that looking in complete silence I am a hunter and have much experience in woods walking silently and sneaking into my moms room for the remote to the tv in the kitchen hat is attached by a cable thought the wall to her tv in hers and my dads room while she slept and I never wake her. I continue with my morning routine by finishing brushing my hair and start to put on my normal makeup which consists of foundation, barely any blush, a pale blue eyeshadow but not a lot, then a little of eye liner, and mascara. It's not much but it's definitely less than the make up most girls at my school wear. I walk out of my room and down the steps slowly thinking of some lie to tell my parents when they ask me about the burn that I covered with make up but is still very noticeable. I was straightening my hair when the straightener slipped in my hand and hit my face. I think. I try to think of more lies but I can't and decide that what I have thought of is good enough well hopefully good enough. My parents aren't stupid in fact they are very smart they are engineers and always are pushing me to be one but I don't know if it's what I want. Now that I'm in 9th grade I have to plan my high school years and I feel like I have to have a plan for my whole future and I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up. I meant I wouldn't mind being an engineer it's just I want to be a part of something bigger and have my name in history books for years and that every generation of kids no matter how old know who I am. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I call for my parents, "Mom!" "Dad!" no answer. I walk toward the kitchen looking from side to side for any sign of life none. I get to the kitchen look around in every inch of the kitchen nothing. "Mom!" "Dad!" agin no answer. I go toward to my moms coffee maker. The first thing she does every morning is get a cup of coffee. I look around the corner to see the old black and red coffee maker with brown stains on the sides still full. That's odd if she got up this morning it wouldn't be full. In anger I yell their names agin. No answer agin. Now I'm annoyed the didn't even get up when I called for them too. I look out the window in our kitchen to the garage and both my parents Toyota trucks are there. My moms dark red Hylander that is almost brand new she only got it about 4 weeks ago and my dads silver Tacoma parked next to it he has it for about 2 years now. Both vehicles untouched. That means they are still here. Now I'm mad but I remembered the mornings I didn't wake to either of their calls so I calm in pity for my parents and the mornings they spent trying to get me up. I call for them agin but this time more sincere and agin no answer. So walk out of the kitchen and start for their room which is just across the den. I walk by the short walkway that leads beside the den to their room I look at their bed they are still in it but conveyed by the brown, blue, and gold sewn thick comforter. I flip on the switch that eliminates their bedroom and they don't budge. So I walk to their bed and see my mom wrapped in my fathers arms but still facing me I say her name "Mom." as gently as I can because I know that if I don't she will wake startled. She doesn't so I say it louder, agin nothing. What is wrong? I walk to my dad's side and do the same, nothing. Back at my mom's side I shake her gently. Nothing. What is going on? why won't they wake up? I grab her arm with more force but i know it doesn't hurt her and this time I touch her skin and I am startled by the feel it's cold. I do the same to my dad he is cold too and not responding and I know they are dead.

Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now