3. 8°∞ ◇

5 0 0

Don't know when I wrote this.

(Moved to this story, not new)

|*normal then drag out|
It's 8° degrees outside...
So cold, so alone.
Flip it over on its side.
Oh no, please~ No~.
I'm thinking bout forever again...
Cuz, this doesn't seem like it should... end~~...

But I guess that's just how it is.
Like everything gonna be slowin.
Its all gonna start repeating.
When you have been stuck thinking.

|*drag out|
When I've been thinkin~~~
Uh oh.

××××××××××idk if im done××××××××××
××××××××××××prob not×××××××××××××
×××××××××××yeah, def not××××××××××

∆ Very simple but I'll work on it. Starting somewhere though.

∆ Had a few notes, chords stuck in my hêad from melodies of some songs that I listened to but instêad, I strayed from the obviòus and found some meaning in a number, and I thought how màrvelous.
I don't know exactly what ®hythms I have it playing to in my mînd but I'd say it would be more of a r&b type of rhymê.

∆ (....Honestly don't know how I did that, if you understand what I'm talking about...)

∆ Jaymes Young, Somo and Blackbear's would be the music-feel inspiration. Especially one of Blackbear's songs in particular...the word foreverful been nagging all day.
Also my phone's weather app and my love for the infinity symbol, gave me something to connect to. ☆

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