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"Averyl and Artina can one of you carry one of your sisters in for me please?" he asks them as he was putting the stroller together for the babies

The girls nodded as Louis was going to give them one of their sisters so they could go into the doctor's and get checked out as well cause he didn't know if they had health issues or anything for that matter or if they had their shots

"Hey Freddie you ready to see Dr. Sue huh big guy?" Louis asks him as he goes in the stroller cause Louis was going to get a triple stroller for the babies then go to double stroller for when they are older and when Freddie doesn't want to go in the stroller anymore and Louis wants to keep him close so the fans don't get him when he is older cause Louis knows what will happen if Freddie was not close to daddy at all times too

Freddie claps his hands cause he loves to come to the doctor with daddy and daddy makes it fun for him as well as they wait and he doesn't even know he is getting a shot either daddy takes that away and turns it into something good and fun for him and he isn't so miserable after he has the shot as well

"I say yes come on the you get to ride with daddy as we go see the doctor about your sisters and you buddy and we get to see how big you are and how much you weigh. You weigh a lot cause you eat too good with daddy don't you Freddie" he says as he walks to the doctor's office with the kids in tow to see how they were and everything else for that matter

Louis sees that the doctor went out of town on a last minute trip and she won't be back for a while either so Louis was going to see if one of the other doctors can see the kids cause he didn't want to go back and come back at another time  

"I am going to see about you girls and of course Freddie as well" he says as he went to the window to get the kids checked in while they went to play with some toys for the time being and the babies were being good which was a blessing for Louis

Louis was able to get the kids checked in and the other doctor was going to see them since theirs was out of town on business at the time

"Okay Freddie want to play for a little bit?" he asks his son as he took the stroller over to some toys that was for Freddie and he was going to get the babies so they could come over as well and play if they wanted 

Freddie claps his hands cause he loved playing with daddy a lot

"Okay we can play as we wait to go back and see how you are growing and get your sisters checked out as well buddy" Louis says as he was going to play with Freddie since the babies were okay for the time being and the girls were playing house and keeping to themselves which was a good thing and they were quiet for the most part and they were not fighting either so that was a win win 

Louis loved the girls so much he was going to go ahead with the adoption right after the girls had their check-up and see if they were up to date on shots as well cause he hates to have them not have their shots and have to get a lot of their shots all at once too cause that was going to hurt and they were going to be in a lot of pain and they would want to cuddle with daddy when they got home and he was going to be okay with that and they were going to watch movies or whatever they wanted to do since the girls were going to be hurting and wanting to cuddle, and he was not going to cook either and that was okay with him as well cause they were going to need comfort    


"Tomlinson" the nurse calls from the doorway as she was calling the family back

"That's us girls" Louis says as he was going to grab Freddie and the stroller while the girls had their sisters in their arms 

The girls followed Louis and they were scared a little bit as they were following the nurse to where they were going first  

"Girls it's going to be okay I am going to be here the whole time with you and we can cuddle afterwards if you want" he says as he was going to hug them a little bit 

The older ones had to get on the scale to see how much they weighed and how tall they were 

"They are under for their weight and their height for their age" the nurse says as she writes it down the weights and their heights once they had stepped off  

"Is that a problem?" he asks the nurse as they went to an exam room cause the babies needed to get measured as well next 

"The doctor will have to see" the nurse says to Louis as she was going to come back after Louis had the babies undressed cause Freddie went on the scale after the girls were measured 

Louis was quick to undress the girls so they could get their weight and height checked

"There we go daddy will swaddle you so you are warm" he says as he was going to swaddle the girls for the time being as they got their weight and their height since they were cold   

The nurse came back to get Louis and the babies, so she could write down their height and their weight as well 

"It's okay cuties once we are back the room daddy will dress you for a little bit so you are warm" he says as he was calming down the crying babies a little bit cause they hated being naked 

"Lay the first one down" the nurse tells Louis   

Hush my little one's 2023Where stories live. Discover now