Doctor's part 2

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Okay to let you readers know the names 




While the babies will be




"Tomlinson" the nurse calls from the doorway as she was calling the family back

"That's us girls" Louis says as he was going to grab Freddie and the stroller while the girls had their sisters in their arms

The girls followed Louis and they were scared a little bit as they were following the nurse to where they were going first

"Girls it's going to be okay I am going to be here the whole time with you and we can cuddle afterwards if you want" he says as he was going to hug them a little bit

The older ones had to get on the scale to see how much they weighed and how tall they were

"They are under for their weight and their height for their age" the nurse says as she writes it down the weights and their heights once they had stepped off

"Is that a problem?" he asks the nurse as they went to an exam room cause the babies needed to get measured as well next

"The doctor will have to see" the nurse says to Louis as she was going to come back after Louis had the babies undressed cause Freddie went on the scale after the girls were measured

Louis was quick to undress the girls so they could get their weight and height checked

"There we go daddy will swaddle you so you are warm" he says as he was going to swaddle the girls for the time being as they got their weight and their height since they were cold

The nurse came back to get Louis and the babies, so she could write down their height and their weight as well

"It's okay cuties once we are back the room daddy will dress you for a little bit so you are warm" he says as he was calming down the crying babies a little bit cause they hated being naked

"Lay the first one down" the nurse tells Louis   

Louis does what he is told and lays the first one of the babies down so she can be seen 

"It's okay love daddy is right here" he says as the baby started to cry 

Luna hated that she wasn't with daddy at all

"I will hold you in a little bit okay" he says as he looks down at her since she was not a happy camper at all 

"Okay next one" the nurse says to Louis 

Sienna was a little more calmer than her sister, and Louis was okay with that 

"Sienna you were such a good girl" Louis says as he was going to hold both babies now 

"The doctor will be in soon" the nurse says to Louis 

"Okay Avery and Tina play with some toys" he says since he was going to be holding the babies for a little bit 

The girls did what they were told and they were going to play since there was not much they could do right now anyways 

"Avery it's okay sweetie we are just going to see if you are healthy is all, and what i need to do to keep you girls healthy" he says as he was going to side hug her since she needed some loving right now and he could see that her sister was scared as well of what was going to happen if they were going to end up in hospital or not cause they wanted to be with daddy then play with toys 

Tina wanted to be hugged too but there was no room with daddy 

"Tina we will hug later we can hug at the house on the couch with all of us" he says as he kisses the girls on their head to make it better for the two of them since this was all new for them and they have not been to a doctor's before so they were scared a little bit 

"You know what girls you girls can play dress-up and we can play doctor at the house" he says after a while cause he needed to get the playroom done so this was perfect for them they can have a pretend station where they can play dress-up and feel pretty 

The girls were excited about that a lot and they could not wait to play dress-up when they got home and they could play doctor 

"Now we wait for the doctor to come in and give you girls a check-up and if you girls are healthy cause you girls look pretty healthy to me but i don't know with the doctor cause the doctor can say otherwise with you girls" he says as he was rocking the babies a little bit to keep them calm    

Part 3 will follow sometime 

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