Final part

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"I'll massage your back as well babe and get the music going cause I want you to have a great birth and I know you might turn evil" Louis says to her cause he knew what happened when Freddie was born he did not want that to happen again at all so he was going to support her in anyway that he could right now cause she was bound to turn evil at some point in time probably when she has a real hard contraction that's going rock her

Ellie was grateful that she had Louis by her side as she was in labor right now cause it was going to be one devil of a roller coaster or a hurricane ride for the both of them, and this was going to be her first labor and delivery so it might go smooth or there might be bumpy parts and hopefully they won't have to go to the hospital to have the twins and she was going to have her placenta turned into pills to help her with the recovery process as well cause she read it helps with afterbirth cause she read it online of course cause she might fall into depression after she has the babies of course and that was not going to be good at all cause she has to be a mom to four kids which was going to be a lot on her to handle with Louis by her side they were going to pull through this cause this wasn't for everyone

(Hours later)

"The midwife just checked you and you are almost there honey not too much more to go" he says with excitement in his voice cause it was almost time for the twins to be born

"That's good where am I at actually?" Ellie asks him

"You are at an eight so you have to have the peanut ball between your legs to help open it up a bit more then it will be baby time" he says as he gets the peanut ball that the midwife had brought for her to use as she needed it to help her open up so the babies could come cause it was just going to be her and Louis for the delivery and Louis was getting the birthing pool set up as well for her cause she wanted a water birth cause it was going to be easier for her and it was going to be more relaxing as well too to give birth in the water

"Almost there" she says as a another contraction comes on full force as well cause she was feeling it a bit and she was fully ready to have this over with as well

"Yes my angel we are almost there two more centimeters to go then you can push" he says as he was looking at her right now as he was being her rock through it as well cause she really needed him there too cause she did not want the girls there when she was in hard core labor screaming and yelling at Louis as a contraction goes through her full force and that was not going to be good at all either cause she did not want them to see her in a lot of pain from the contractions and of course delivering the babies too cause she did not want them to see the birth at all either which wasn't going to be good at all either cause it was going to be horrible she wanted to wait till the babies arrived

Ellie was grateful that she had two more centimeters to go and then she could start pushing the babies out and into the world

"Ellie you are super strong" he says as he was massaging her back as she was having a contraction once again cause he was going to be there with her through it all

Ellie smiles as she was breathing and moaning through the pain right now cause natural birth was her plan and she stuck with it full force and wasn't backing down at all either which Louis was really proud of her for that accomplishment

"Ellie I don't think I could what you are doing right now you are super woman through this" he says as he was talking to her as the contraction was finishing up for now

Ellie was going to take a nap cause this was making her really tired and really exhausted right now so sleep was calling her name right now and she was going to have a good sleep and be fully rested for the twins birth too

More will come hopefully in time like the last two parts hopefully when the views are up more enough as well

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