Colin Creevey's Lost Film

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Colin Creevey's Lost Film

It wasn't until Tuesday morning that the residents of the Hospital Wing began waking up so that the rest of the Staff could be informed as to what all the commotion had been on Sunday night.

Reports from the village indicated a pack of werewolves rampaging around town with a Giant, and the Daily Prophet was having a field day with it. The story even bumped the Azkaban escape story back to page two, and Harry Potter regained consciousness to find a pile of paperwork on the stand next to his usual bed.

"I think she's been saving that bed for you, all these years," Ron Weasley muttered.

Harry yawned and stretched, decided that it was a bad idea, and fell back onto his pillow. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked him, groaning with what felt like the onset of influenza. Every muscle in his body was aching, and his head was pounding.

"Magical exhaustion!" Madame Pomfrey interrupted them, "As if they," she gestured at the five beds across the way that were occupied by five unconscious boys, "weren't bad enough - brewing covert potions and turning themselves into werewolves! Madness!" She ranted, forcing a foul potion down Harry's throat.

"What have you done this time, Potter?" She then demanded. "You and Weasley both were found in Gryffindor Tower - unconscious. Frightening the wits out of the children..." she continued to grumble, turning her attentions to Ron. "Him," she gestured at Harry, "I'm used to! But what did you do to get yourself in such bad shape?"

Ron looked blank for a moment. "Must have been the Stone?" He wondered, looking down at his bandaged hand. "Uh oh," he groaned. "Now I remember! Harry, that mad pink wolf bit me!"

Madame Pomfrey dropped her tray.

"Don't worry," Harry groaned, "Tonks wasn't a werewolf. She just took on her Patronus form when you called the others back with the Stone. Mum said they she wouldn't let you leave the Castle?"

"Tonks bit me!" Ron repeated. "Fine way to treat her friend, what?"

"That's what you get for playing with the Deathly Hallows again," Madame Pomfrey complained, as she tossed a newspaper at Harry.

The headline read: "Werewovles on the Rampage in Hogsmeade? Werewolves of Hogwarts - HOW Many ARE There?!" "They came charging straight through my front lawn and ate my cat!" - one eyewitness states.

"They didn't eat any cats?!" Harry objected, as he scanned the article.

"Who ate a cat?" One of the boys groaned, and they looked over to see Teddy sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes, which were brown, like his hair. "I'm hungry!" He announced, as the rest of them began stirring.

"We'll discuss this later," Madame Pomfrey threatened the men. "In the meantime, you're both confined until your levels of Magic come back up to tolerance."

She was interrupted, however, by the door banging off the wall.

 "HARRY POTTER! RONALD WEASLEY!" McGonagall and Hermione both accosted them.

The boys all hid under their blankets as Madame Pomfrey then descended upon them.

"Explain yourselves!" McGonagall demanded. "Andromeda Tonks is doing all she can to keep the villagers from rioting, and your Auror Department is burning up the Floos wanting to know if you're awake yet!"

"And you!" Hermione rounded on Ron, who imitated the boys and tried to hide.

It didn't work. Hermione yanked his blanket back.

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