chapter one

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"Sup faggot." a familiar voice said. Carlos started walking away with his head down. "Where ya going?"The voice continued. Carlos kept walking. "Hey! I asked you a question. " The voice spoke again. Carlos slipped around a corner and the person whom that voice belonged to caught up with him. And suddenly there were more voices surrounding him.

"Whats wrong faggot? "

"On your way to class?"

"Or are you on your way to meet a guy?" They laughed.

"Whats this boy's name huh?"

"You gonna kiss him?"

Carlos stood silent, looking down at his shoes to avoid eye contact with them. Carlos started to walk away. One of the people put their arm in front of him.

"Youre not going anywhere." There were some more laughs.

These people were vicious.  It was Three guys. The first one's name was Brian. He wasnt that tall but he was buff. You could tell he goes to the gym. He could knock Carlos out with a single punch if he applied all of his force. The other too were named Joshua and Anderson. They weren't as strong as Brian, but they could still knock out Carlos if they wanted to. Joshua was tall and skinny, but he wasnt weak looking. Anderson was shorter than the other two but he insulted everyone for everything. He didn't do so much physical damage as he did emotional. But we all know emotional damage is just as bad. Brian was a combination of the two of them. In-between height, not quite as skinny as Joshua but he was stronger. He wasnt as insulting as Anderson but he was close. This guy was the devil reincarnated. And this school was hell.

"So, Where are you going? To meet your boyfriend?" Joshua continued the interrogation.  "You gonna kiss him? We know you like kissing boys." Their voices were condescending. Carlos looked down and kept quiet. "Well answer our questions!" Brian raised his voice and slammed his fist on the wall right next to Carlos' face in order to intimidate him. Carlos flinched and started to answer.

"To-To class. I-Im going to class." He didnt want to speak. "I d-dont have a b-b-boyfriend." He was shaking in fear. "M-my sexualit-ty is n-none of your b-b- buisness" He said that last part in a quieter voice. Almost a whisper.He had to force out the words, but he said them. and immediately regretted it.

"What did you just say? None of our business? I'll make you think twice about sayin something like that again." Brain pulled his fingers into a fist and brought his hand back. Carlos tried to move or to run away but to no avail. He was cornered. The three had him surrounded.

Suddenly something struck Carlos on his stomach. It was Brian's fist. Carlos dropped on his knees, clutching his stomach. Then Joshua started kicking him and hitting him as Brian stood there with a satisfied grin on his face watching the whole thing. Anderson did what he does best, spitting insults at Carlos that would echo through his head for weeks to come.

"Wow no wonder you dont have a boyfriend. Look at you youre so weak." Carlos tried to ignore it. "Coward. You're so ugly. Who would want to date you? No one wants to date an ugly faggot like you." Carlos looked up at them. Then came the worst.

"Youre useless you know that? Youre a worthless little peice of trash. Nobody even likes you. Just stop existing already."

Joshua kicked him right on the back and Carlos nearly fell over. Then Brian pushed him to make sure he did. "Aw hes crying. What a worthless faggot." They started laughing like they were so proud of them selves. They walked away leaving carlos on the floor crying his eyes out. 

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