Chapter three

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Carlos froze in shock. He had a million things going through his head and he saw the whole thing in slow motion. But at the same time it all happened so fast and next thing he knew Foods lips were on his and he didnt know what to do. Another problem is, Carlos had never kissed anyone before this so he just sat there with his eyes open wide staying still for a second until Food pulled away.

"First kiss?" Food asked, with a smirk on his face. Carlos didn't say anything he just nodded. But he sure as hell wasn't going to complain about it because the boy he'd been crushing on for the past two years was finally noticing him in a way thats not just friends, or 'Bros' and Food always called it.

Food was only playing it cool, He was also freaking out on the inside a little bit. He's known Carlos for two years and they havnt spoke much since their mutual friend Canlee introduced them to eachother. But now that Food actually talked to him he realized he liked him a lot.

Food chuckled and leaned in too kiss him again. This time he hoped Carlos wouldn't just sit there and make it awkward for the both of them. Carlos recovered from the shock quickly as opened his mouth in attempt to try something. He was surprised when Foods wet tounge slipped inside and he quickly clamped it shut in panic and Food pulled back in shock but then started laughing at his now bloody lip. Carlos laughed nervously even though he felt humiliated.

"I uh- im s-sorry- so sorry um I just" he tripped on his own words trying to make out an apology but he was so nervous.

"dude dude no its okay" Food said laughing some more. "I know this is your first time kissing someone and you dont really know what to do but I can guide you through it" Food reassured him, raising his eyebrows and smiling suggestively. He leaned in to kiss him once again but he was interrupted by a loud bell.

Teenagers came pouring out of classrooms everywhere from every direction and flooded the hallway within seconds. It became very loud with everyone finding their friends, talking about their weekend plans and whatnot. They quickly scrambled up and picked up Carlos's bookbag and Food's crumbled bag of chips. At least it was the end of the day, so they didn't have to worry about going to another class.

"Oh no I cant go home like this!" Carlos frowned. "What will my mom say? I really dont want to explain."

"So just come to my house." Food shrugged. "You can get cleaned up there. My parents wont ask, they work late."

"Really?" Carlos asked. "Thanks Food!" Carlos thanked him and smiled.

They walked together to the bus that Food takes and got inside. They couldnt find a seat because it was already packed tightly with kids from their school. They went to the middle where there were less people. The bus stayed there for a few more minutes, giving some time for any more kids to come inside. More kids did get on the bus, and somehow they all fit. They looked like sardines in a can all huddled together with almost no space to move, but that was pretty much normal for Brooklyn.

Carlos and Food didnt say a word to eachother. Its not that they didn't want to talk to eachother, neither of them knew what to say. In attempt to make it less awkward Carlos took out his phone. He looked at the home screen for a second and then clicked on the messages app. He opened a conversation with his mother. "I'm gonna tell my mom that im not going to be home right away." He told food.

"Mommy? You have your mom saved in your contacts as Mommy?" Food teased.

"u-uh yeah yeah um she put that there I didn't put that haha my mom is so weird she still wants me to call her mommy haha weird right?" Carlos insisted.

Food chuckled at the shorter boy's attempt to play it off. Carlos clicked on the option on the screen that said 'edit contact information' and changed the name from 'Mommy' to 'mom'. Then he started to type his message to her.

'Hey mom im going to a friends house so if youre wondering why im not home yet im with my friend thanks mom bye :)'. He sent it and put the phone back in his pocket. The bus stopped again and Carlos looked up at food to see if he was going to get off. "My house is on the next stop." He informed Carlos. "okay" Carlos replied quietly and watched as about one third of the people got off the bus. Most of them were groups of friends or couples probably going to eachother's houses. The bus wasnt as full as before and the only available seats had already been snatched by other people, But at least they had room to breathe. Few people got on the bus, the bus driver closed the door and began driving again. It was only a few short minutes until the bus stopped again and the doors opened. "Come on" Food gestured for Carlos to follow him off the bus, so he did. They walked to the corner where they found the apartment building that food lived in. Food reached inside his pocket and took out the keys, opened the front door amd went inside. There was another set of double doors identical to the ones they'd just walked through on the inside, leading to the lobby of the building. Food pulled the door open without using his keys to unlock it. "Some guy broke the lock here." He told Carlos and then the walked into the elevator.

Carlos didnt really like elevators. They made him feel a bit dizzy. He wasnt scared of them though, so he went inside. "I live on the third floor." Food informed Carlos. Carlos was exited to see Food's house. He'd been there before but with their group of friends. The elevator went up to the third floor and the  stopped. They got out Carlos followed Food to his apartment. "Welcome to casa de Food" Food said as he opened the door, revealing a small two bedroom apartment.

It wasn't the best looking apartmen, But it wasn't horrible. There were a few unwashed dishes in the sink. There were loads of snacks in the kitchen. Food led Carlos into the bathroom where Carlos wet a napkin and tried to scrub off the dry blood from his face.

"Dude stop thats not how you do it." Food interrupted. He got the first aid kit out from under the sink. "You gotta put medicine on it a rub softly, else it's just gonna hurt more."

Food got a cotton swab and dipped it in hydrogen peroxide. "Lemme do it" He said and he put the cotton swab on Carlos's face where the blood is. Carlos flinched a few times because it stung. "Hurts a lot right?" Food said. "Don't move" Food leaned in closer to see what he was doing better and he was face to face with Carlos. Carlos began getting nervous again. Food finished cleaning Carlos' face and packed up the first aid kit.

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