chapter two

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Carlos sat up. He pulled his knees to his chest, folded his arms and put his head down. He sat there for a minute, just crying. He tried to quiet his sobs when he heard someone approaching. He could hear them chewing something, and whistling. It was utterly disgusting to hear them smacking their lips, but that didnt exactly matter to him at the moment. He sunk down into his arms as much as he could hoping it would make him invisible as the person came closer.

He perked his head up when he heard a crash, what sounded like a bag of chips crumbling. Carlos looked over and saw that someone had tripped on his bookbag and landed on their bag of chips. He hadnt even realized his bookbag was there. "Dude move your bookbag people are trying t- holy crap man are you crying?"

Carlos flinched because he realized that Food was standing right there in front of him. Not as in Food  like the stuff you eat. Food was a nickname given to a boy named Tyler. No one calls him that though.  Everyone calls him Food, even most teachers.

Food was short, but he was taller than Carlos. He had dark brown hair that hung just over his eyebrows. His skin was way too light to be considered tan but a little too tan to be considered pale. He had dark circles under his eyes from staying up late all the time. Food always wore a baseball cap style hat that said food on the bottom of the bill of it.He was always eating, thats how he got his nickname. Ironically though, he was actually pretty skinny but that was because he did parkour and made sure to not gain any weight. Carlos had a huge crush on him.

"Dude, are you okay? You. look terrible man what happened?" Food wondered if he actually wanted to get involved with this. I mean really, the kid is crying on the floor and he looks like he just got beat up.

Carlos froze. He felt like his brain just shattered into a million pieces. He did not need this, of all times for Food to be walking through this hallway it had to be now?

"Carlos, what happened? Are you okay? Talk to me man." Food sat down in front of Carlos. He decied he was going to see whats wrong at least. Carlos buried his head in his arms again. He still had tears in his eyes. He really did not want to say anything to Food right now.

"Leave m-me alone." He stuttered quietly, bascially whispering.

"What? No man im not leaving you at a time like this, can you at least tell me what happened?" Food argued back.

'obviously he cares. might as well tell him.' Carlos started to think. ' no way hes gonna make fun of me or use it against me or just make it worse'

Carlos shook his head and then burried it in his arms again. Food didnt move or say anything. Carlos gave it another thought. 'maybe I should tell him, its obvious he's not leaving any time soon.'  He let out a big sigh. "fine." Carlos spoke up. "I'll tell you."

"O-okay s-so it was Brian, Joshua and A-anderson. They called me a faggot and were saying really r-rude things." Carlos started, still kind of hyperventliating because of his crying. "What'd they say?" Food asked seriously.

"Well they kept calling me faggot after a lot of things they said." Carlos took a deep breathe before continuing. "They asked where I was going. Also if I was going to go kiss my boyfriend. When I wasnt answering them they started getting mad, and they asked again so I said I was going to class, that i dont have a boyfriend and that its none of their buisness. But that made them mad so they started hitting me." Food was staring at him, paying close attention, Carlos noticed this and then pretended not to notice it and kept talking. "Then they called me weak and a coward.  They said I'd never get a boyfriend because im an ugly faggot. Anderson called me worthless trash and told me to stop existing. Then they kicked me hard and I fell over on the ground I just stayed here." Carlos felt absolutely pathetic for telling Food all of that.

"How long ago was it?" Food asked.

"About 10 minutes before you came." Carlos replied. He put his head down because he didnt want to see Food react to all of this. He wanted nothing more than to disappear. It was silent for a few long seconds.Food broke the silence.

"They're wrong, you know." Carlos looked up at Food when he said that. "theyre lying to you." Carlos looked at him with a confused expression. Food took a deep breathe, looked Carlos in the face and began talking.

"Listen, I don't think that youre

weak or worthless or a coward. But I'll tell you what I do think, I think they're horrible people. I mean really what kind of dude picks someone just because they're gay? Theres nothing wrong with being gay so I dont see why they should have a problem with it. And you were right, it wasnt any lf their buisness. They should have left you alone. I also really don't like that they beat you up like that, you're my friend I care about you dude. I also strongly think you should keep existing and theyre wrong about the whole thing where they said you cant get a boyfriend." Carlos didnt even know to react. He just kept staring at Food as he continued to ramble.

"I mean thats all pretty harsh. I think you're a great person. You're the opposite of what they said. You're strong because you chose to put up with all of this bullying by yourself, and I never knew it was going even going on. You are definitely not worthless or garbage, You're super important and I wanna let you know that okay? You're cute as hell and fun to be around and amazing and- uh well you get the point right?" Food stopped himself as soon has he realized he was rambling.

He looked at Carlos who was starring at him in shock. Carlos couldn't get a sentance out, much less one word. His mind was going in a thousand different directions. They kind of starred at eachother trying to process what had just happened. Carlos couldn't believe that a cute boy had actually called him cute. And Food couldn't believe he was developing a huge crush on Carlos. Food had liked guys before and he had liked girls before, but he had never thought he'd like Carlos.

Neither of them knew what to do so Food leaned in and did something Carlos would have never expected. 

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