The Start

41 10 6

1 Year Earlier

Scarlett POV-
I sat under my favorite tree, reading Pride and Prejudice. While the Sun was at its highest point, it wasn't hot because there was a light breeze. The water of the lake crashed lightly against the shore, while kids ran way as the water followed them up the shore. I smiled to myself, as I resumed my book I saw a body appear next to me. I turned to look at her, she was about 4 years old and had a flower dress on with a bow of the same design of the dress holding her hair back.

"Hi, what are you reading?" she asked.

"Pride and Prejudice, who are you here with?" I asked smiling back not seeing anyone else around.

"My Aunt"

Right after she replied I hear someone scream


The girls head shot up with a mischievous smile on here face and she ran and hide behind. Before I could even register what was happening a figure stood before me. She was most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was wearing a leather jacket with a fitted white shirt tucked into her blue skinny jeans wearing black almost knee high boots, she had a worried look on her face but her eyes glistened a emerald green color.

Before she could say anything I put a finger over my mouth to show her to be quiet. Once she got the memo, I pointed behind me to signal her that what she was looking for was behind me. She nodded as she rounded the tree and I heard a squeal of laughter, as she came back around with the little girl in her arms. At this point I was standing eye to eye with this stranger. I held out my hand to introduce myself
"My names Scarlett"
I was suprised at how smooth my words came out because and this point after looking into her eyes I couldn't form coherent sentences. She took my hand as she did my heart beat some how picked up more than it already was.

"Natasha. And this is my niece Eloise."

Her words came out so elegantly, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, but I had to when I felt a tug on my pants. While I was lost in Natashas eyes she had set down Eloise, who is now tugging at my pants. I looked down and she asked
"Will you play with me?"

As I was about to answer her Natasha stepped in and said
"No let's leave Scarlett, so she can read"

I had no idea how nice my name sounded until it came off her lips. Before I lost my bearing I responded
"It's no problem, I've read it before, I'll play with you if it's alright with your Aunt?"

I looked up at her to see if she was alright with it.

"It's fine with me, as along as you don't mind" she then turned to Eloise and said
"Try not to be agressive"

Eloise let another mischievous smile run along her face and retorted
"It's don't want to play with her I was asking for you."

Right as she finished her sentence she ran to the little playground. Then Nat turned to look at me and my heart stopped, I think I even stopped.

"Sorry about her" she said

"Its alright. I guess she wanted us to talk."

She nodded. We sat down under the tree and talk about anything and everything. I learned about her family, school, relationships and I spilled everything. I felt like I had known her forever. I was always the shy person with friends and in relationships, but something was different about her. I felt like I could tell her anything.

While we were talking about food. Her phone buzzed, she grabbed it out of her pocket to look at it once she did there was a frown one her face as she looked back at me.

"What is it" I asked

"My sister, I have to bring Eloise back so we can go out for dinner. I'm sorry."

"It's alright I should probably head home also"

I packed up my stuff, when she went to get Eloise. I waved as I got up to go, but right as I turned around. A fimilar sensation hit mu skin, as I turned I was it was Natasha.

"Would it if I got your number so we could talk more?"

I noticed that she looked a little nervous as she asked. Though a sigh of relief came as u nodded my head. We exchanged phones to get each other's numbers. As we traded phones our hands touched and I was in heaven. By the way she was smiling, she was to.
As she walked away with her niece, I couldn't help but look at her hips sway as she left.

After they were out of site, I started to head home. When I got home I sat down on my couch and thought back to the afternoon. I was pulled out of my daydream when my phone buzzed, I looked at it

Natasha: it was nice to meet you today, Scarlett. I hope to see you soon Beautiful

As I read the last part I felt that I was on top of the world. Then I finally thought of something to send back that wasn't to basic or chessy

Scarlett: it was nice to meet you and your niece to. I had a great time and I look to see you soon, but your the beautiful one

As I hit sent I couldn't help but feel a little confident eith my response. Also with the fact that this was definitely reaching the bounds of my comfort zone, but I kind of loved the feeling. 'I could get use to this' I thought but another thought occurred to me through all the feelings 'I'm out of my league and over my head!'

I hope this worked out well. If not please tell me or if any suggestions, I'm up to hear them. I'm just going with it, I never thought I would write more than the first part, so thank you!

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