A Thing of the Past

21 7 5

(Finally more!)

Scarletts POV:

Why am I so stupid? Why didn't I delete or block his number? He is such a douchebag, why did I even trust me? Damn Kyle, his message read
-Hey baby, it has been such a long time. I miss you, we should meet up.

Natasha must of notice my happiness from of few seconds ago crash to the ground because she went to give me a hug, but I escaped her touch.

As I stood in front of her I almost couldn't hold back any tears. As I started to cry, she tried to hug me again and asked,
"Hey, what's wrong?"

She asked as I kept trying to escape her grasp, but she pulled me in so close and tight, I started to hit on her chest but she kept holding onto me. I finally stopped trying to push her away. She kept try to soothe me by rubbing back back and whispering in my ear.

I finally calmed done, catching my breath, Natasha's hold on me relaxed. She led me to the couch and she still held onto me. I started to pull away a little and she placed her hands on my cheeks to wipe away my tears.

"Hey, you want to tell what that was about?" Natasha asked with her voice laced with concern and a little pain probably because I hit her.

"I'm sorry" I say bearing my face back into her chest. Her arms rubbing my back.

"It's alright" she kept repeating.

I finally calmed done and tangled myself from her. I missed her touch once I did but I knew what I had to do.

As I look up at her, I wiped away the rest of my tears. She sits and stares at me with anticipation waiting for me to speak.

"I'm sorry." I say in a whisper. Which I'm suprised she heard with how quiet I was.

" It's alright. But can you tell me why that happened?" She asked while brushing some hair out of my face.

I shook my head slightly. I wasn't ready to tell her about him or the pain he caused.

"That's fine. Maybe one day, right?" Her voice laced with some sadness but with hope.

"One day I promise to tell." I say, as I start to get up "but right now I should go home."
As those words left my mouth a frown came on her face.

She got up as well and came and gave me a hug. "Be safe, Love." She whispered in my ear. I exited as quickly as possible once she let me go. I couldn't stay with her any longer. She made me feel something that I thought got locked away with so many barriers, I couldn't deal with it. On my ride home I was just barely keeping myself together.

Once I got into my house I rushed to my room and slammed the door shut and feel on my bed and cried. I cried and screamed into my pillow for what seemed like forever. Then once I was out of tears I realized how stupid this was and I should just put on my grown up attitude and just block him. I don't understand why I after that I haven't. As I got lost in thought I heard a loud beep. I looked at my phone and saw it was Natasha.
"Are you alright? Please talk to me."

I felt bad about how I left her, but I couldn't tell her then. But I think the only way to get past it is to talk to someone. I decided to call her back. I was so nervous about her answering because if I heard the hurt that I heard earlier I would cry more if that was even possible.

"Hello" once I heard her enchanting voice I knew it would be alright somehow.

"Hi" I answered softly but I knew I needed to tell the story before she said anymore.

"I'm sorry about earlier, but I want to tell you what happened, so if I could get it out all now and questions after, that would be good" I said rather quickly.

"Okay, I'm listening" she said sincerely

I took a deep breath and started
"So I got a text from my ex boyfriend this morning, saying he missed me and he is part of the reason I feel broken and worthless because he would yell at me and say no one loved me all the time and he said he was the best I could do. And that is part of the reason I started to cut and not eat. Then I started to feel empty and lonely and at one point I almost let go but I realized my relationship with him wasn't worth it and I got help. Honestly after that I didn't care what they thought I felt better about myself and that's what mattered. I felt so good to get that out." After I finished talking there was silence, I was scared for a moment then I heard her voice

"I'm so sorry. He is oblivious and stupid if he can't see how amazing you are."

I smiled at her statement I didn't realize what I said next until she answered "can you please come over."

"Of course darling, I'll leave in a minute. Just tell me your address."

After I sent her my address I decided to take a shower before she arrived. I had to get him out of my hair and off my mind.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you for all of the support! It has been a crazy few weeks with finals and theatre season starting with competition. I love talking to you all and getting your feedback. If you have anything for me please comment or message me. Hopefully you guys liked the chapter and hopefully the next chapter won't take as long to write.
-Love you all, you guys are amazing!

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