Something comes from Something

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(A/N: So we will see how this chapter goes. If you have any feed back please comment.)

Scarletts POV:

It has been a few days since I have met Natasha. We are planning on meeting at the local coffee by where we met tomorrow morning.
Right now I'm at school just daydreaming looking out the window. When I feel a pinch on my arm pulling me out of my thoughts.
I look over and realized my friend pinched me because school is over, I guess I missed the whole lesson, OOPS (not really).

Once I got home I went to the kitchen grabbed some pizza and a water and went to my room. Then I shut my room plugged my phone in and turned on the tv. My parents are out of town so this has been my routine.

I was watching Criminal Minds and the criminal was about to shoot a gun when my phone went off I almost screamed, it freaked me out. I paused the show, and looked to see who messaged me, I smiled when I saw Natasha's name pop up.

Natasha -
Hey, there! Can't wait to see you tomorrow

My smile grew if that was possible when I read the message, I replied

I can't wait either! What are you up to?

Natasha -
Nothing much, just thinking about you ;)

My heart stopped in that moment this girl actually is flirting with me.

Scarlett - ahh, thank you!:) I'll see you tomorrow


I woke up about 9 o'clock and started to get ready. I put on a pair of jeans, a Hamilton shirt and black boots. I got to the coffee shop about 10 and there she was. She was wearing a long white shirt that ended mid thigh with black leggings and  black flats. She looked breathe taking.


"Hi" she responded with a smile and a huge hug.

"Want to go sit over there?" She pointed to the table up front. I nodded. She had ordered us cappuccinos, and sat in the chair across from me.

We stare at each other for what seems like forever, than she broke the silence

"So tell me about yourself"  she said as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"What do you want to know?" I asked

"Well how about I ask you some questions and you answer and then we can switch turns." She suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Fine with me. You ask first." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"Alright, what's your favorite color? "


"How old are you? "

"I'm 20"

"So your in college?"

"Kind of I went for w years for media relations, and I'm in an internship right now." I answered with a sense of pride. She must of caught on too me getting more comfortable and confident, when she asked the question I hate the most

"What's your relationship status and what kind?" She had a smirk on her face because I think she sensed how I tensed up a little.

Now you may wonder why I hate this question, it is a simple question. But in my experience it is the question that people judge you the most on. If your single they wonder why and how long and if you have actually been in a relationship.  Then they judge you on what people you like and for some reason this has always bothered me.

I finally answer
"I'm single and I'm bi." I say as I look down at my hands and play with the ring on my finger.

She finally speaks up
"Ond more question," I look up at her as she continues "who's the ring from?"

"It's from my grandma, she got it for me before she died as a symbol of hope, grief, and struggles. I play with it when I'm nervous or uncomfortable because it makes me think of her and what she told me, to believe I am good." I say as I set my hands on the table. She takes them in her own and rubs my knuckles.
I didn't realize I had tears until I felt electric shocks on my cheek where her hand is wiping my tears away. I give a weak smile in return.

"My turn to ask questions, hos old are you? "


"What's your favorite color?"


"What about college? "

"I went to college for psychology"

"What do you do now?"

"I mostly just watch Eloise."

As I was about to ask another question her phone rang, she looked at me as if to ask permission, I gave her a slight nod as she picked it up. Her face turned from content to frustrated as the conversation progressed.

She ended the call and slammed her phone on the table and rubbed the back of her neck. She eventually looked back up at me, with sadness in her eyes.

" I'm sorry about this, but I  have to go now" she said apologetically  laced with sadness.

I nodded and got up to give her a hug. She pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear
"I'll call you later, love" it sent a shiver through my whole body.

As we let go, I already miss hugging her and the contact. Before she turned to go she gave me a kiss on my cheek making my face burn, mutiple shades of red. As she walked away I watched her form she must of noticed the effect she has on me because she turned back around and gave me a smirk with a wink and left out the door.

I sunk back in my seat thinking, this girl is going to be the life and death of me and there is nothing I can do about it.

A/N:  So finally an update. Sorry about how long it took. I hope you enjoyed please comment and vote.
Love you all and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!

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