Chapter 1

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"Shit shit shit shit shit!" The robed figure cursed as she ran, trying to get away from the odd almost spider-like creature. She heard the sound of its beam charging to get another attack in. A high pitched sound was heard, that of which was quickly follow with the earth exploding into a million pieces right beside her, then being covered in flames. She gasped as she extinguished
a small flame on her garment. "H-h-help!" She called out still running. Her headpiece falling off her head. The ground shook as the creature picked up speed, for it was following too close for comfort! As she was running, a piece of her cloak caught onto a branch, a vulgar word came out of her mouth as she tried to be set free. It was then that the creature appeared, she frantically tried to free herself from what entrapped her. The creature's beam charged for the final and fatal shot that would end her life. 'Well, this is it...' She thought, she shielded her eyes and said a quick prayer to the goddess of the sands. It was then that she heard a voice shout out....

The loud beeping of the Guardian's charge started to heighten in sound. It was a-chargin' up its laser! But before it could fire its laser, one silver arrow whistled through the air, hitting the glowing red eye of the mechanical beast. The frosted jewel on the arrowhead broke on contact, freezing the condensed molecules in the air around it, a angular block of ice freezing around the eye of the Guardian. It confusing the mecha-mind, causing the pivoting head to shake back and forward as if giving a disapproving shake of the head. The little Gerudo was plucked from the tree like an apple, placed gently on her feet, a soft pat was then placed on her head but it only was a few seconds long before her forearm was taken into a giant grasp. "We shouldn't be playing with these things! " The voice of the Prince called out. "We need to get away!" While he spoke he was already dragging her along, almost lifting her straight off the ground as he darted into the treeline to get better coverage from the giant walking death laser. Now. Leta gets some perspective here. We know whom yanked her up. It is Sidon, the Zora prince, no doubt, but, even to the Gerudo, Sidon is tall. Just to put this into perspective, Link is 5'8". When Link stands up to Sidon, he barely stands to his waist. Standing two Links next to Sidon we could see the fishprince is roughly 11'5 inches.. or 3.5 meters tall. This seems alarming, but really it is not. As all Zora rulers are big, all future kings are also... Big. Making Prince Sidon definitely more than just a title.

The Gerudo struggled to keep up with the towering Prince, her feet hurt from so much running she has done already. "You....Saved me..." She managed to breathe out "How did you do that?" She asked, still trying to keep up with this monster of a creature. "And what are you exactly?"She was tiring out quick, she did not get any sleep in days, as she, like other Gerudos was searching for love, but lo, she has not found any of yet.The Gerudo girl's name was Hadis, who was aged 25 years. She was a young servant girl in her household, and would often tend to the Chief Riju's needs.Standing approximately 7'5ft, she was actually short for a Gerudo, as the Gerudos too, towered over Link's rather small stature.  

 Is she...


Sidon's golden eyes glanced down at her as he pulled her around the hull of a large tree, big enough to cover them from the guardian whom was trying to pull the arrow out of its vision. "Usually I would be first to introduce myself but, one would think this is /not/ the time" his voice said in a stern tone. He peered around the tree at the guardian and slightly crouched a bit to try to better hide his figure. The usually large, black pupils in his eyes were as thin as a hair, locked on to the very dangerous, rouge machinery in the distance. The shark quickly scooted back against the tree to hide his figure from it as it turned in his direction, still unable to pull the slippery arrow out. "Its too strong to defeat with simple gear." He said to the smaller other next to him. "We could make an escape now." He looked over tp her, bending over slightly, his finger raised to his lips as is eyes darted to the right. Basically telling her to stay quiet, and start moving. He started to move slowly, trying to keep the sound of his large footsteps as quiet as possible, while moving to and behind the nearest tree, making his way, bit by bit, towards to edge of this small sliver of forest.  

 Hadis nodded in understanding as she too, as stealthy as a Sheikah, made her way to the trees that would mean safety for them, their way of escape. Why this creature wasn't dead yet, she didn't know, but she was grateful for her rescuer to come in time.Looking for every possible stick that could give away their position. Hadis didn't know these woods, she didn't know the lush grasses of Hyrule.With every step she took, she winced in pain, she must have twisted her ankle running from the monster, her leg felt like a million daggers digging into her flesh. 'Shit...' she thought to herself with each step.Making sure that the tall prince wasn't watching, she carefully and quietly wiped a smear of blood away from her leg, and continued walking.
 They had finally made it to the forest, "What now?" She whispered as quietly as she could, assuming that they were out of view from the monster, as well as earshot."Surely there must be some shelter close by....Where are we, anyway?" She asked in the usual hushed voice.The wind blew and sent chills to her spine, the air was growing cold, and the night would soon be upon them. The sound of the leaves rustling through the trees unnerved the girl, but she soon found comfort in the quite tall, and rather handsome native. 'I wonder where he is from....And what exactly he is...?' She thought to herself, slightly admiring the way he quietly walked through the woods.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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