chapter 1

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hey this is my first story i hope you like it don't judge or be mean.comment/fan/like/tweet thnx:)oh and any character names/similarities is pure coincidence.

chapter one

Isabeu's POV

My name is Isabeu Mapin and today was the third day of my grade ten high school year. Little did I know that this day would change my entire life. The desks were in rows of three. I sat alone in the second row on the left. In front of me were three popular people Lexi Campbell, Carley belle, and Natasha Kennedy. Lexi Campbell was best friends with last year's new kid from London (God, I love that accent); his name was Craig O'Brien. So when Mr. Pettit gave us an activity to do with a dictionary nobody knew where they were. And here's where my life changed forever and the worst year of my life started. Craig went to look in the front shelves and grabbed a Spanish-English dictionary and walk back to his seat in the back row. While I was the only one who noticed it was not a normal dictionary I tried to tell him on his way back to his seat but he didn't hear. Clearly I have no other choice but to go back to the last row and tell him.

"You do know that's a Spanish-English dictionary, right?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah, it has definitions to English and Spanish words, cool right?" Craig asked rhetorically.

How stupid is he?

"Um, actually it translates Spanish to English," I whispered pushing up my nerd-chic glasses.

"Oh right, um I knew that." he answered in that beautiful accent.

After that really awkward situation I went through the day as normal sticking to my only two friends in my home room, Molly Evans and Jenna Plutarch. When I got home I did my math homework had super, took a shower and went to bed regretting even talking to Craig. A looser like me is not supposed to talk to people like him. And that was when the world went black.

That night I dreamt about him. I don't have any clue why because it's not like I like him or anything he's not super-hot, but alright looking just like every guy in my class.

In the morning I got ready by pulling on a pair of short shorts and my favorite blue tank and bandeau from Hollister. Then I straightened my hair, made my bed, brushed my teeth without breakfast, put on my garage flip-flops, grabbed my purse and walked to catch my bus.

Once I got to school I checked my I phone and had three texts from my best friend Kathryn Crisby in the other strings grade ten class. I answer her texts saying I'm going over after school because my dad almost beat me for the fifth time this week knowing she'd understand. After that, I went to my locker grabbed my books and put my purse in my locker, locked it and headed off to homeroom with Mr. Pettit who taught me in three other subjects.

In homeroom I sat down and started to text a few of my other unimportant friends who are fake when the one and only Craig O'Brien walked up to the side of my aisle desk a said something I couldn't hear.

"Sorry, what?" I said as I felt heat rush to my face embarrassed I didn't hear the first time.

"Um nothing." he blurted out shaking his head and walking over to the row in front of mine and started talking to Lexi.

As he walked away I found myself still blushing at the incident that had just occurred. And was it just me or was he blushing too? I couldn't really tell with his dark tan.

And then it hit me something terrible just happened.

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