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The empress coughed, muffling her laughter as she looked at her young son. Her heart warmed as she listened to his childish voice. Gently she placed her hand on his face rubbing his cheek.

When she found out the emperor was going to visit her tonight and her son was speaking now she was shocked. She had already accepted the fact that she would be moved to the cold palace within years to come, to be replaced with the abhorrent concubine Lin. To think the emperor would treat her with care and look at her son with pride radiating from his eyes. Tears began to well up, lifting her delicate face up she held herself back from crying in happiness.

"Yes these floors should be sent back and caned severally for this slight against authority." Her lips twitching upwards she played along with her child.

Jin nodded his head rapidly in agreement. "And, and you should starve it also, how dare a slave disregard the hierarchy" his face held a hint of disgust as he stared at the floor.

Sitting nearest her son the empress played with his hair. "Such a dirty thing of course it wouldn't understand hierarchy it has always been on the floor believing it would one day turn into the ceiling"

Lin xianglan, felt her face heat up in shame. How dare that wretched women look down on me. Seething she was helped up by her head maid. "Little prince should be reaching his fifth birthday soon, this little concubine wonders what spirit beast he would connect with" smiling she looked over at her son then at Zu Jia with provocation. Her son held a mutated two headed white tiger. Its power was fearsome. Its strength was only short of a divine beast. How could the powerless Zu Jia compete against that?

Biting into a snack, Jin gave a toothy grin towards her. "I will be happy with any spirit beast as long as it's not a reptile" He pitifully looked over at the empress."Those things are gross and conniving, untrustworthy, evil they are so cold to the touch like dead people. I don't want them." He looked at the standing concubine with suspicion.

"Oh, have you felt a dead body before?" the emperor curiously asked Zu jia.
Jin shook his head, "No but that's what others have said. When someone is dead their bodies are cold like reptiles."

Lin Xianglans face paled that bastard. He was mocking her serpent spirit beast, her fingers bore into her flesh. Tears began to well up within her eyes as she looked down as if she was emotionally hurt. "Qie's beast is very gentle and kind please emperor bare witness."

"Zu Jia, not all reptiles have those traits" The Emperor, didn't continue to admonish this son of his.

Pouting Jin tilted his head away arrogantly.

"Little brother shouldn't think that way, come play with elder brother sometime and let elder brother train you to like reptiles." Zu Sheng felt ashamed, since when was the easily bullied mute kid so talkative. Staring at the boy menacingly he decided he would teach him a lesson he would never forget.

Jin didn't bother to reply, do I look like an idiot who will follow you trustingly like a baby duck? "Imperial mother try this." He gently placed a moon cake on his mothers dish.

"Sit" the emperor motioned for his eldest son. Uncaring for how concubine Lin felt.

Concubine Lin tightened her fist in her sleeve her nails drawing blood as she bowed goodbye towards the emperor and empress. Turning away she quickly took a last look at Zu Jia, his eyes held a mocking look as he stared at as if making fun of her. In anger she left the pavilion. One day that bastards eyes will be taken by me.

Zu Sheng hand tightened on the tea cup, his mothers treatment left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. One day Imperial father will replace empress with my mother. Smiling gently towards the emperor he could not hide the slight flash of anger. "Imperial father Zu Sheng hopes you will be able to part with some knowledge about cultivation."

The emperor lifted his tea cup towards his lips, a slight frown appeared on them. He has always been spoiling the eldest prince, now he was getting too arrogant. Looking at both his sons the emperor could not help but to compare. Zu Jia had a greater cultivation base, Zu Jia had a personality that matches his own. Zu Sheng was easily angered, Zu Sheng had poultry cultivation as of now if the two were compared it was a genius vs a prodigy. Easily the prodigy won out and with their personalities the emperor decided to confer the title of crown prince to Zu Jia. "For cultivation training we will send over a Soul Strengthening master, as for Zu Jia's training it will come from us."

Zu Shengs brows pinched in anger, how could he be thrown off to some stranger while the mute bastard gets trained by father. His free hand tightened into a ball inside of his sleeve. Bowing towards the emperor he showed his gratefulness.

Jin didn't bother to thank the emperor, grabbing some more snacks he went into his own world every so often being dragged back by the empresses gentle touch when she removed crumbs around his delicate lips.

They all stayed that way till the afternoon when the emperor excused them. Zu Jia and Zu Sheng bowed in farewell as the emperor whispered something to the empress a light blush appeared on her beautiful face as she bashfully stared back at him. Bidding goodbye they made their way out of the pavilion with the maids as entourage. The empress slipped her delicate hand over her sons staring at his handsome profile. "What have you done?" the empress playfully asked. "Imperial mother, I cant say there are too many ears and eyes around us." Pouting he suspiciously looked around as if he could find those ears and eyes that were watching them. A small laugh escaped her red tinted lips as the empress stared at her son, her eyes crinkling at the corners in happiness. Truly she felt a heavy burden being released from her when she found out the emperor paid a visit to her son and was happy with what he saw. She did not know what had accord but this just meant her son would have better protection.

The empress had several sleepless nights from sending out her spirit beast to protect her son not only from that snake Lin but also other concubines. By doing so she had been slowly damaging herself and her Yin fire Phoenix. The heavy weight of trying to protect her son was eating at her she had long ago felt the dark corruption start to reside within her soul force but she could do nothing about it.

She had long ago let go of any romantic thoughts towards the emperor ever since he had coldly ignored herself and her son there was no love she would no longer fight for petting but she would accept the nightly visits from the emperor, as long as it helped her son be safe and grow stronger. Her heart turned resolute as she released all her pent up frustrations and pains, she felt her soul begin to vibrate in euphoria nature sang in welcome to her.

Jin felt his hand turned hot, releasing the empresses hold all the servants watched as a large burning celestial phoenix flashed behind the empress it wrapped its wings gently around her as if it was a mother protecting its young, all of the servants clothing started to light up with small bits of flames the only one who did not have to fight off these strange occurrences was Zu Jia who stood staring wide eyed at his mother. He did not notice a red robed male appearing until he began to draw white markings onto the ground all of them circling around the empress, he placed different colored orbs in certain location when the last a bright azure was placed the white etchings turned golden, shields began to flash appearing all around the empress as if to protect her.

Looking around Jin noticed the new arrivals all of them staring at the empress in shock. The emperor flashed appearing in his dragon robes, the jade crown that held his hair was now gone the long strands flowed in the wind, his eyes held a profound light as his lips twitched upwards in a seductive arch. Happiness and worry were radiating from all of his being. "Grab my son and take him away from here" Moving towards the empress he released his spirit beast, A fearsome massive white tiger with sweeping wings stood stretching. It yawned showing off its perfectly fearsome canines that arched down towards its chin it's large tongue flicked upwards.

Golden eyes stared curiously at the empress. The sound of thunder broke Jins concentration looking up he noticed the dark clouds converging towards the empresses location. Before he could ask the emperor what was going on he felt someone grip his waist and begin to dash away looking behind him, Jin stared at the flash of heavenly lightning striking the empress. The phoenix cried out, the tiger roared. The mythical song of the two were only interrupted by the shattering sound of the  lightening.


T~T still being heartbroken, cant believe I manged to delete the previous part 4. Never going to be tease and send out spoilers. I've learned my lesson. ~Cries in corner~

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