Chapter 21: The Call Part 2

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Mayra's POV continued....

"We Have our ups and downs." I said.
He nodded. "What about your boyfriend?" I heard your father had a hard time with you dating him." He said.
"He did, but now my dad trusts him." I said.
There was a long pause.
"I assume that your mom and dad love you just the same." He added.
"They're Good parents, good people. And they never done anything to deserve the way you're putting them through." I said.
"I'll be the judge of that." He sasses.
"Just how much do your parents love you?" He asks.
"You'll have to ask them that." I said.
"Surely you must have an opinion, after all your life might depend on it." He says.
"I'm sure they do." I said.
Before David could say anything else, the boys came in.
"Oh hey David! Long time no see!" Yelled Daniel.
"What's up David?" Chris said while giving him a bro hug.
"Oh nothing, I just got back 1 1/2 ago." He said.
"We were out for that long?" Yelled Daniel. I swear he's a loud mouth.
"Where'd you go?" Chris asked.
"I went on a little special visit. How was Mayra yesterday?"
"She behaved well, she didn't do anything."
David looked at me for awhile, and his eyes was staring into mine. He has gorgeous eyes.
"Good girl, alright lets make a call." He said.
He got my phone and called my parents.

David's POV

I decided to call the Dominguez family to ask how they're doing.

Me: Hello, May I speak to the Dominguez family?
Ruben jr.: Yeah, I'll call my family.
Officer Dominguez: Hello?
Me: why Hello Officer! How are you doing today?
Officer Dominguez: what do you want? How's Mayra?
Me: she's right here, she's fine. I'm just calling to see how you're doing.
Officer Dominguez: you know how we're doing. Let us talk to Mayra please.
Me: I'll hand over the phone to her after our little business.
Officer Dominguez: we have the money.
Me: do you? How wonderful. All in cash right?
Officer Dominguez: yes. All in cash. Where do we want to meet?
Me: hmm... shall we meet at Black hawk?
Officer Dominguez: why if it isn't David. At what time?
Me: hehehe, I knew you'd find out who I was. How about 9pm. After your work.
Officer Dominguez: how about earlier? We want Mayra back sooner.
Me: I'm afraid it's not up to you. You see, the reason why I asked later is because I know you get off work at 6:30pm. And I want you to be alone when we meet. Nobody else!
Officer Dominguez: fine. I'll be there. When do we want to meet?
Me: let's see, today's Tuesday, how about this Friday.
Officer Dominguez: deal. Now let me talk to Mayra please.
Me: since you said please, sure. But remember, come alone or else you'll never see your daughter again.
Officer Dominguez: I understand.
Me: good, here she is and you have 5 minutes to talk that's it.

I passed the phone to Mayra.

Mayra's POV

The thought of me never seeing my family again gave me chills. I know my dad will bring the money. But I also don't want to leave, I've been getting used to it here, I also want to spend time with David.... weird right?
He then passed the phone to me.

Me: hey dad.
Dad: hey sweetheart, are you okay?
Me: I'm fine dad. How about you?
Dad: great now that I hear your voice. Did he hurt you at all?
Me: no, I'm fine. Did you really bring the money?
Dad: yes, but it's fake money. But I'm with the detective and he's tracking where you're at right now.
David motioned me to hurry up.
Me: okay, I got to go dad, tell Mom and Junior that I love them so much and that I miss them so much.
Dad: you got it baby girl. Everything is going to be okay. We'll get you back real soon. Be brave sweetheart. Be brave.
Me: I will dad, be careful and see you soon. I love you.
Dad: I love you too baby!

Then David took the phone and talked to my dad.

David's POV

Me: I'm really looking forward to seeing you with the money. And just one more question, how much do you love your daughter?
Officer Dominguez: she's our whole world to us. She's our first born, we'd give anything to get her back.
Me: I'm glad you're the kind of father that does care. Anyways, I'll see you this Friday at Black Hawk, I'll text you the directions and remember, come alone!
Officer Dominguez: I will. See you soon.

Ruben Sr.'s POV

I hung up the phone, and the detective and Miguel were right beside me.
"I can't believe that's David, the guy that stayed with you guys for the night!" Exclaimed Miguel. "Who does he think he is? Holding my girl hostage, asking for money and shows up to stay for the night?" He continued.
"Well, at least we now know who we're dealing with and what he looks like. Detective Richter, did you find anything?" I asked.
He nodded. "I definitely heard every word, and according to Mayra's phone tracker, she's in Custer Park!"

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