Chapter 41: Freedom

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David's POV

I was shocked when Officer Dominguez asked for as much leniency as possible. I looked over at the boys and they were shocked too. I looked at Mayra and I smiled and she smiled back.
When we all got our sentences I knew was going to jail for a few days, and I wasn't surprised that I'd be on probation for that long. Afterwards, Chris, Daniel and I hugged each other.
"Sorry man, at least it's not for life." Chris said.
I nodded.
"I'm going to miss you pal!" Daniel said as he pretended to sob.
I laughed. "It's only for 5 days Danny." I said.
"I know." He said.
" But it'll be okay. I'll let you know when I'm out." I told them.
"Okay, Well we will see you around." Said Daniel.
"Bye." I said. Then an officer took me to the county jail. 5 days in jail here I come.

5 days later

"David Castro. You're free to go." Said the Officer. I nodded and smiled. As I was leaving, I went to the area where I got my stuff back. As the lady was giving me stuff, she pulled out a quote, "do you want this quote?" She asked.
I looked and saw my favorite quote. I nodded yes.
"I like this quote. Where did you get it?" She asked.
I chuckled. "I got it from my captive. She gave it to me." I said.
She nodded. "Well always remember to do the harder right and that means follow the laws." She said.
"Thanks." I said.
After I got my stuff an officer led me to my probation officer.
"Hey David!" He said.
"Hi." I replied.
"Have a seat. My name is Cristian Rivera. I will be your probation officer." He said.
I nodded.
"Hey, calm yourself! There's no reason to be nervous." He said.
"I've never had a probation officer before and I'm slightly intimidated by you." I said.
"Wow! You really are a scaredy-cat! And I thought you were the brave bad tough kidnapper." He taunted.
Is he making fun of me? Hell no!
"I'm kidding! Chill. Now I need you sign your name in these papers and after that you'll be good to go." He said.
He gave me papers to sign and as I was signing he gave me some information what he's going to be doing.
"Now were going have meetings every week to make sure how you are doing and what I can do to help. I'll be stopping by anytime at your house randomly, be watching out for me and be prepared." He chuckled.
I gulped. "Yes sir." I handed him my paperwork.
"Very good. I'll be checking up on you tomorrow. Have a good day and don't be dumb!" He laughed.
Dang he really is something. I guess I would prefer him than Officer Dominguez.
Then, I walked out the door and as I was walking down, I saw a girl who looked like Mayra. Then she turned around and it was her. My heart jumped and I think it skipped a beat. So I went down and talked to her.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey!" She smiled.
I laughed. "Look I want to say thank you so much for doing the plea bargain." I said.
"Oh trust me, it took a lot of effort to get my parents to soften their hearts, especially my dad. But you're welcome." She said smiling.
I smiled back.
"Is everyone okay? Like Daniel and Chris?" She asked.
"Yeah they're fine, they were bummed about me staying but at least not for life you know." I said.
She nodded.
"Hey I wanted to give this back to you. It's the quote I really like." I told her.
She looked at it, shook her head, and told me to keep it.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah, you need it more than I do." She laughed.
"Listen," She continued. "this whole situation is kinda confusing... um what I mean to say is—"
"Mayra!" I heard someone screaming. We looked around and saw Miguel. Ugh! I forgot she has a boyfriend.
"Mayra, hey are you ready to go?" He asked.
"Um, give me a minute Okay?" She said.
"Well well well, if it isn't the kidnapper." He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes.
"You have some nerve." He said.
I just want to punch him in the face.
"Look I just want to apologize to the both of you—"
"Save it! You should be the one begging on your knees for forgiveness. If it would've been up to me I would've sent you and your boys to—"
"Alright! That's enough Miguel. Just wait for me in the car." She Yelled.
"I'm not leaving you with him. Let's go Mayra." Miguel whined.
"I'll be there in a minute." She Exclaimed.
"No, you should go." I said.
"Wait, David I—"
"It's okay, whatever you have to say it can wait." I told her.
She looked hurt.
"You take care of yourself David. Please don't forget about me." She said. She gave me a hug. And I hugged her back tightly. This may be the last time I see her.
"Mayra! Let's go!" Miguel shouted.
"I'm coming! Chill!"'she yelled back.
"I'll see you soon Mayra. Don't you forget about me either." I said.
She shed a tear and I did too.
I saw her get into her car and as she left, I started to bawl my eyes out. I wonder what she wanted to say. Does she have feelings for me? No, that can't be. She has a boyfriend, but from what it looks like they're not into each other like we were the other day. I don't know. Well, looks like I have to go tell dad.

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