Rules, Rules, Rules (Tyler)

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There's alway's that moment in life when your friends and yourself have some exciting experience to endure. Everyone reacts in different ways, although right now definitely isn't one of those exciting moment....


"NO," we all yell once again at Lui's squicker voice.

We had been walking a dirt track for the past twenty minutes without stopping. Our feet were sore and to make matters worse... IT'S ALL HILLS!!! Now twenty minutes don't sound long, but, we're consistently walking up and down hill, we're supposed to be at the arena in ten minutes and there's no life or human structure anywhere in sight, and last but DEFINITELY not least...

Boiling Rage Mode Activated
"SHUT THE FUCK UP LUI, IF WE WEREN'T THERE BEFORE, THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE BE THERE NOW!!!" I yell in frustration at the little mankey.


"Tyler.... breath," Craig spoke from behind me.

"I'm trying Craig," I grit through my teeth, as Craig walks in front of me, looking me directly in the eyes with his own.

"Think happy thoughts, Tyler, happy thoughts," he whispered gently.

"Shooting fucker's in the head, shooting fucker's in the head," I chanted over and over again, gaining relief at the thought of someone I don't like getting hurt by my hands.

(Is it bad this is literally me? Like, as in [I seem nice, but I'm really plotting your demise] me. No? Okay)

"That's just mean... Your a mean person Tyler," Lui squiks, pulling out the innocent card.

"Lui.... do you plan on being the person I shoot first.... in the head," I grind out, still managing to smile only to add to the threat.

Lui backed up behind David and out of my site, but as he backed up I could see the nerves sweat dripping down his forehead. With a smug smile adorning my face, I stride off with my head held high, knowing I won.

"Okay.... thanks for wasting our fuCKING TIME. TIME THAT COULD HAVE BEEN USED TO TRY AND FIND THAT GOD DAMN PLACE," Jonathan said while is calm exterior faded into a pissed off look of that of a child who had his teddy bear taken from him.

After his outburst, we all remained quite as we trotted along. But of in the back of our uneven line I heard that of a whisper. My ears could be playing tricks in the quiet wilderness, but it sounded as if someone had said, 'good job, Lui', although they could be praising him for successfully riling me up.... most likely. So with that thought in mind, I shrugged it off and kept following Smitty, hopefully to find the arena sometime soon.

(Time skip, cause I'm lazy bitch and just got home from work!)

We luckily made it to the arena with time to spear, although that time was probably like... two seconds.

(Spermicide... the fuck? Auto-correct came up with this when I typed the first three letters of spear! THE FUCK!)

The resort owner, Ted I think his name is, came to greet us and said "It's good to see you boys made it, now, let go over the ru-"

"WAIT!!! Did you just assume our gender? How dare you, It's 2017!".... fucking Bryce, the damb-ass....

"The rules" Ted continued "Rule number one: each team participating MUST be of equal number.

Rule number two: do not touch the arena fence, it has high voltage in order to keep the animals out and keep you safe, but don't worry, it's not enough to kill, just cause a lot of pain for a short period of time.

Rule number three: you can go anywhere on the playing field, if you get shot, you go to enemy jail close to home base, the only way you can get a team mate back in the game is if you are able to shoot a small hidden target in enemy base. Once that target is hit, any team member that is in jail has to go back to home base, then work their way back to the action. The only way to end the game, is if the opposing team or your own, captures the flag, hence the name.

Rule number four: the only form of violence that is aloud to take place are that of the weapons shooting at each other. There is to be no fiscal violence taking place in game, if their is, the person who started the fight WILL be eliminated from the game.

And lastly, but most importantly...

Rule number five:.... no live ammo"

"Ptfff, who would bring live ammo to a paintball game, that's just stupid," I mocked, until I see all the serious looks I was gaining, as well as the odd confused looks ***cough cough Jonathan cough cough***.

"What?" I questioned.

Ted then started to speak, taking all the fiery glares away from me.

'Thank whatever god that's looking out for me' I screamed in my head.

"I will get each of you to go to your team base, if you haven't met before, now's your chance. Get geared up, the game starts when you hear the lion king song, cause why not?" Ted walked away just before yelling back at us,"WE ALSO HAVE CAMERAS SET UP ALL OVER THE PLACE, SO DON'T THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING!!"

The walk to base red (our base) was short and quite. When we arrived there were padded clothing waiting for us. Most of it was army colours while two of them were pitch black. We all went to grab one until one of the other guys from the team spoke up.

"Wait, what if we elect two people to lead the team, they'll get the black ones so they'll be easier to differentiate in the future," he said in a deep Irish accent like David and Brian, and like every Irishman needs his green, his so happened to be his.... hair?

"That's a great idea, uhh..." Evan dragged.

"Sean, my names Sean. But everyone calls me Jack," he answered.

"Wait! As in-" Arlan started but was quickly interrupted.

"Yep, as in the famous YouTuber,



So.... here you go
Hope ya enjoyed!!

P.s. you had unedited Daithi De Nogla video's, now you have EDITED Daithi De Nogla video's!!!!

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