Let the game begin (Luke)

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Again, the song has nothing to do with the chapter. Just enjoy it 😁.

Song: No Money by Galantis

I look around at the guy's, all of which are either glaring or staring intently at the map.

(Sorry guys/girls, it's typing like this now and I don't know how to get rid of it)

I chuckle as I see how deep they are going for this game.They're so determined to win, their not realising the bigger picture. There's more to this 'game' then meets the eye, oh, so much more. They analyse all angles and possibilities that might happen during this competition.

"If we go through the hills, they won't expect us coming. That leaves an opening to where their base is most likely to be, making it easier to scout the area," Jon explains.

"But even so, they won't expect us coming for a reason. Those hills are way to steep to be able to cross them without losing to much energy from the track up AND down. We'll be to tired and strained by the time we get to the other side. There's no way we can fight in that condition," Scotty then pushed in with logic.

"Then how do we scout that area, there's no other way to get there without getting ambushed or even more so strained then if we were to climb the mountains," Jack questioned while looking at all of the available paths to take.

"Then we go where to they would expect us to go," I put out.

"The fuck do you mean?" Tyler intervened "If that's where they expect us to come from, then why go there, we'd get caught".

"But they'd guess that we know that's not a safe place. They will most likely guess that we'd take a smart rout and make our way in by the most unexpected rout, the mountains. So they won't be as focused on the more obvious rout, am I not correct Luke," red head Mark explained for me.

"Exactly on point, glad we're on the same page," I smirked.

"So where would that obvious place be?" Felix butted in with the big question.

"Just look at the map, the easiest way would still most certainly be heavily guarded, as well as the most difficult rout. That leave the last two path to take, the swamp and the lakes, but if you think about the time of year it will determine which rout is easier to take. If it summer or spring, the two hotter of the four seasons, it will be better to take the lakes because the water flow will be steady enough for us to cross. If it was winter or autumn, it would be better to take the swamp because it would be easier to move around in the water," Ryan then decided to speak up, with some valuable information mind you.

"So, which rout do we take?" Marcel then asked another big question.

"Well it's summer right now, so the obvious answer would be the lakes, but, keep in mind that we want to throw them off. Assuming that they know this information, the best rout to take is the swamp. Not to easy, yet not to hard AND unexpected," I finalised.

"Perfect work guy's," Evan and Cry then came walking up out of nowhere.

"Now that we have that taken care of, here are the groups. Once we tell you your groups, we'll then assign your group to where you'll be going," Cry explained.

"Cry's team," Evan began
"Tomato Mark -'HEY'- sorrounding analyser,
Felix - team messenger,
Ryan - stealth scouter,
Luke -'good, someone need to keep that group in line'- gunmen,
Mark - co-ordinates tracker, and to keep things from getting confusing, just call Mark, Gorilla".

'Good, by the looks of it Marcel's going to be handling the other team by himself, that would work better. With him keeping our friends in line, Mark and I can try and earn some trust from these guys. That way it'll be easier to bend them to our will'.

"Alright, Evan's team," Cry continued pointlessly.
"Jack - surrounding analyser,
Johnathan - team messenger,
Marcel - stealth scouter,
Tyler - gunmen
Scotty - co-ordinates tracker".

"ALRIGHT!! Now that we have that sorted, where each team will be going. Cry's team will be going to the swamps, since his team has the majority of the experienced players, it's better for them to take front lines. Luke, Gorilla, I trust in you to follow Cry's orders," Evan said, leaving us in Cry's care, 'or more like leaving him in our care'. "My team, we'll be scouting as much of the arena as possible. The likelihood of the enemy been just beyond the swamp is still isn't hundred percent, we NEED to keep vigilant no matter what, even if we're not participating the bigger picture".

"BRIAN!! Is the offensive team set to go?" Cry asked/yelled at Brian.

"Yeah, we're about to head into position. Don't forget to take med kits with you, anything can happen out there," Brian said, expressing how important it was. Although that sentence may have seemed genuine, he looked me straight in the eye with knowing look, you can always trust Brian to know when something's up. I should have been more careful around him.

Everyone then stood up to make their way to their positions, but on my way there, I was stopped by a hand. A hand that belonged to a certain Irishman in my group.

"David," I glance up at him.

"Brian knows we're up to something, he came up to me trying to get me to spill. I didn't say anything though," he informed me "but he said to me, to tell you, don't do anything stupid, he trusts you to do the right thing".

"Alright, Thank you David, for all this," I thanked, not looking him directly in the eye

(I accidentally spelt thank you wrong cause I wasn't looking, and it autocorrected to 'That Korea's' XD)

"We're both just trying to protect our friends, ya don't need ta thank me for that," he laughed as he walked away.

I continue walking to my team as I look over at Lui. He stood at the edge of the base, hiding his gun under his vest. Perfect, that way when something bad happens, he'll be the first to know. I look over at the other end of home base and see David in the same position.

I turn toward the bush land, Gorilla by my side.

My team taking up running stand's as Cry call's out, "sixty seconds of planning time left".

My heart starts to pound as I get ready for battle. This game is about life or death, the only difference is, there's still life after death, and the game continues.


Time begins to slow as I look over my adrenaline hiped team.

Their deep breaths

Determined eye's

Clear minds





There was...




And there you guys have it 😁.

So, I have a surprise for you guys, I have day off work tomorrow (for once) so, I'll be dedicating the rest of today and tomorrow to new chapter's.

Oh, and do you guy's have any idea's on who the traitor is yet. 😈

Anywho, peace ✌️

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