Death Note x Reader one shots

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I hope you enjoy this I will try to make these and meaningful(I hope that's a word....XD)So yeah Hmmm who should I start with.....L!

'Hi!My name is____!I'm working on the Kira case and I'll prove to him he's everything but justise!There is only one true justise and that's L..'You've had a huge crush on L since you first met him he basically ment everything to you.You swore on your own life that if anything happened to him you'd suspect Kira or Light.Or whoever you thought Kira was!Sadly for you L was clueless about love.Whenever you'd look at him you would blush in front of him hoping he would notice which he would but he would just shot you a really confused look.Everyone else on the squad knew you had feelings for him well it was pretty obivous.You'd twril your____hair around finger when he did basically....anything!Today you we're seriously late it was only because the stupid taxi driver wouldn't let you off for having only a few pounds off so you had to run which you didn't really enjoy.'It's too much work for me to handle'You'd always say to people when they ask you why you don't do runs.You were panting for breath as you walked in the door to only see Matsuda laughing as you ran through the door.You had always treated Matsuda like a brother you were kind to him and trusted him with small things."Late,are we?"Matsuda said grinning you just rolled your eyes and sat down at your desk reading news reports after news reports about Kira's killings,while watching L eating his cake looking at the same reports you were looking at."Why are you starring at me?Is it because I have the cake and you don't?I'll go fetch you some if you'd like me to"You heard L mumble still with a mouthful of cake in his mouth.You could help but let out a small giggle at how adorable this was."No...I'm.....fine.....thanks..."You said bitting your lip.L wouldn't get that hint in a million years but everyone else would.You got dragged away from your desk by Matsuda"Why don't you just ask him out or something?You like him alooooot!"Matsuda asked concerned."He wouldn't know what I'd mean he doesn't know anything about love......"You said grumpily but sadly.Matsuda winked at you.'Oh god what stupid idea has he got now?!?'You thought although you treated him like a brother he had the most stupidist ideas sometimes."I'll tell you that you have to stay behind for a while cause you were late  and L stays behind late because he said he's really serious about the Kira situation.So what do ya think,____?"You thought this was the most smatist idea Matsuda has had in a long time.So you sat back at your desk and played along with everything and every once and a while Matsuda would wink as a siginal.This caught L attention so he watch Matsuda's and your own every movement.He would stare for a moment with his thumb on his upper lip.You started blushing even more than you normaly did.

~Time skip to 6:00pm when everyone leaves~

You sat at your desk still scrolling through the Kira stories and clubs which were disturbing."Why are you staying behind?"L asks you.""You quietly mumble to yourself hoping L didn't hear which lucky for you he didn't.You him were alone...alone...alone.You kept repeating that word in your head and unsure why.You finally understood why you could say anything and no one else except L would hear you say it.You deiced to go and practice in the toilets."Urmmm L....I gonna go toilet I'll be back in like two seconds..."You said stuttering with a few words.You ran to the toilets and starred at the mirror and pretened it was L"L...I-I..really like y-y-you..."You slapped yourself around the head in fustration and mumbled to yourself"If I can't talk to a mirror,how am I ment to talk to L?!?"L knocks at the door"Urm..____are you ok?You've been there for awhile.."He asks you in conceren for you but you didn't realize as you were to fustrated."I'M FINE!! NEVER BETTER!!"You yell back at L in anger.You needed to let out your anger on L.You suddenly realize what you just did and walked out the toilets to apolgize to L.You walk out and say"I really like you L!"You gasp and cover your mouth.You couldn't believe you just said that."I-I-I like y-you too.More....t-than a f-f-firend..."You heard L stutter.'Wait does he like me?'You thought"I'd u-"L was continuing until you cut him off by clashing your lips together in a kiss.'Well new time for everything!'As you pull out L stares at you in awe.You both smile and continue working the Kira investigation hand-in-hand.

Death Note x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now