Busted and bruises

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Hate sat there trying to break loose from the ropes grip, failing at the hands of the ones who caught him, all he could do is give them glares, the two smiled devilishly.

"Well well well., " hope said
"how's it going traitor? " she added

He didn't respond instead he just glared.

"So you decided to come here and for what? To kill us, to get revenge, or to turn yourself in. Come on say something? "Bravery questioned getting quiet impatient...

" your all gonna die if you don't open the gate " he hissed...

"Awww is the wittle negattive emotion gonna kill us.? " bravery teased..

Hate growled at the insult... How he was always treated like that. No mistake made he felt that they need to suffer for it. Now's not the time for that.

Hope glanced at him and noticeing a sparkling object in his sweater pocket. As bravery was playing around with him, she went into hates pockets and found what happened to be a crystal heart feeding off some sort of energy.

"What's this? " hope said to herself examining it. She looked at it. It had
Some Sort of aura around it. Hate can see it too, he can feel it also, this nevered happened before it was just a plain gem for the last 3 months.

"Hey kid where'd you get this? " bravery said demanding an answers.

"Wait I think I know what this energy is. " hope said. hate was getting nervous if theyed figure out that's love. They'll take her back to joy and keep her that monster.

"Hey didn't the reports of joy's missing child? " hope said. "yeah so? "

Bravery said "and she was off the radar then on the radar since 2 months ago? " she said.

It came to realization that this was her hope was shock at the state of truth.

Hates eyes widened at there reaction. He felt that what they would do would be so incredibly painful or maybe lock him up or probably send him to joy and have her killed on the spot. But that is if she's alive,

"You've been carrying her around you this entire time!? " bravery exclaimed fuled by anger...

Hate cringed at the emotions sudden outburst. He didn't know what to say except yes and submit to the answer he looked down in shame and It hurts him to see love out of his grasp and in wrong hands.

"Yes" he said in regret. Everyone else gasp as they heard the shocking truth.
Bravery grabbed hate by the collar and tossed him to the wall the impact was harsh but the black and white emotion managed to get back on his feet, lucky for him the rope was lossen.

Hope stopped bravery from doing anymore damage.
"Its not worth it " she said

Bravery finally settled down, but out of nowhere hate came at her with an electric punch ready to take her head off.

Hate was stopped by hope by being trapped in some sort of bubble, he struggled to break free it was no use. Without ant warning the bubble turned into a ball of energy frying hate who was screaming in agonizing pain. Hate felt his skin fry and his mind aching from the intense pain.

Hate gathered his strength to break free the at that second hope blew us the bubble and exploded a pile of smoke cleared. hate fell on the floor


"Gasp" hate opened his eyes to see himself on solid ground still aching from his punishment. He sat up and saw rocks and no exit he doesn't know where he is,

"What the " those were his first words trying to piece what just happened. He's stood up and his entire body ache from the hard bearing pain when he tried to run or walk the jolts of it were even worst,

He gently sat down and took a good look at his soroundings he noticed a few things he wasn't outside and it felt like the temperature was warm here. Like summer just came barging all of a sudden.

He sighed all of his frustration out and put his hands in his sweater pockets but noticed some thing else his bag and items are gone.

"No no no no no" he said continuously not believeing that his stuff was confiscated.

Hate was now frustrated and absolutely ticked off., he looked up at what looks like to be a crystal barrier up there.

"There you are" hate said to himself he got in position putting his hands almost together, a black aura started forming around him the energy forming in the palm of his hand was started releasing lighting bolt fallowed by a slight whistling noise
Hate fired the blast of energy at the barrier, as the black beam of energy whized though the air and hit the dome with powerful force Which resulting in a explosion.

The crystal sheild was still was there, unaffected hate could not believe it though after everything he put in that attack.

"N. No way how could it still be standing his eyes widened seeing he can't break it.

"Dammit guess I'll just have to try harder "

Hate focused on the barrier not knowing there was something in the dark watching him.

To be continued....

Sorry I couldn't get this done fast I took a break and stopped for a bit....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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