A Rude Awakening: Get to Class!

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Synopsis: Ash has woken up late and must get to school quickly! (Don't worry, I've added some shipping, just be patient and read until the end! ;) 

(It was a warm and beautiful day in Alola, the pikipek were chirping, charizards were flying, and the stratus clouds made everything look peaceful. In Professor Kukui's cabin, we have a sleeping Ash Ketchum, unaware that school starts in 10 minutes!)

"Pi-pikachu use thunderbolt!.." Ash says in a trance "BEEPzzt BEEPzzt BEEPzzt School in 10 minutes! School in 10 minutes!" Ashs Rotom Dex says loudly. "AHHHHHH!" Ash screams while falling off his bed onto the floor. "Ouch... Hey Pikachu, sorry for waking you up pal. We gotta get ready for school we got 30 minutes!" "Incorrect! You have approximately 9 minutes and 56 seconds until the first bell! Zzt!" Rotor Dex says. "WHAT? I swear I set the timer for 8:15?!" Ash screams in shock. "Correctionzzt, you set it for 8:35! Approximately 10 minutes befor-" "Yea yea I get it.. Why didn't Prof. Kukui wake me up?" "He was scheduled an appointment to help tutor Sophocles with his math homeworkzt! You know how bad he is at it." "Hmph, good poin- Ahh what I'm I saying! I gotta get to school! To the bathroom gang!"

"Zzt! You have approximately have 7 minutes and 48 seconds until the first bell! Zzt!" "I know Rotom Dex! Stop stressing me out!" (Ash begins watering his face and putting on his clothes) "You have 6 minutes and 39 seconds left! Zzt!" "Ahh! It's no use! We gotta go guys!" Ash says worriesome. Ash grabs his toothbrush, slams on some toothpaste and begins jogging through the door, grabbing his backpack and cap and keys, heading out the door giving it a powerful slam. 

"Rotom Dex, status update!" "Okayzt! You have 6 minutes and 2 seconds until class begins!" "Okay, we can still make it with enough determination!" About 1 minute passes and ash can see an outline of the school and walking Exeggutors that looked like giraffes from a far. "Ok, Rowlet! I choose you!" The flying grass type gracefully flies out of Ashs bag (surprisingly not sleeping) with a powerful "Hoooot!". "Alright Rowlet, I need you to use Leafage from behind to create a wind current to boost my speed! We need to make up for lost time!" The green owl obeys and launches a barrage of leaves behind Ash, giving him 5 seconds of air time and tons of momentum on the ground.

"Wohoo! This is the life; Rotom Dex, how much time?" "Zzt! You have 4 minutes and 37 seconds remaining!" "Decent, as long as we have no obstacles in the way, we should be good to go!"

Meanwhile at the Pokemon School...

"Alola!" Lillie, Mallow, Lana, and Kaiwe all said in union walking in class. "Alola!" Professor Kukui said to his students. "Ugh.. all this math in my head is making me dizzy." Sophocles said confused. "Haha! Have any of you seen Ash? He should be here by now. There's only 3 minutes until class starts.." Lillie said concernly. "He never is this late, he's always ready to start class and is usually here 10 minutes or before.." "Kukui said "Hhm.. I hope he's okay. Mallow said with concern. "Same here!" Lillie said.

Back to Ash!

"Alright! Looking good. The bridge is almost ending, we're almost there guys!" "Pika-pika!" The electric mouse companion said excitedly. Suddenly, a horde of pink and blue fish leaped out of the water and used Water Gun on Ash and Pikachu. "Zzzeak!! Water! Does not compute!" Rotom Dex spattered out. "Rotom! Ahh, what's that pokemon?" "Bruxish: The Psychic Fish Pokemon- Bruxish are known to be one of the most treacherous pokemon of the sea aside from Sharpedo. Stories have stated Bruxish use their psychic powers to mislead swimmers to undesignated locations, causing the swimmer to become lost at sea" "Woah, well we have to stop them! Pikachu. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ash said with a mischievous and excited look. "PIKA PIKACHU!!" Pikachu said that his excitement could blow you away. 

"Alright! Here we go Pikachu!" Ash said while moving his arms, corresponding with his Z-Ring. "Let's show these Bruxish our true power buddy! GO! Gigavolt Havoc!!!" A gigantic ball of pure electrocity heads toward the Bruxish at full power. "Bruxi-" The horde of Bruxish are sent flying in the sky landing in the water. 

"Rotom! What's our time?" "Zzt! We only have 1 minute and 19 seconds left! This isn't goodzt!" "It's not over until the fat Jynx says it's over Rotom! Torracat, COME ON OUT!" The speedy fire type cat Ash recently evolved jumps out ecstatically. "Alright Torracat, this may sound weird, but I need you to give me your most powerful fire fang yet on my pants. Rowlet, as soon as fire fang hits, use the best Leafage you got! "Torra!" "Hroooo!" The two pokemon said. "Alright Torracat! 3... 2.... 1.... GOOO! 

Back at the School:

"Ok then, class.. I guess Ash has slept in and hasn't realized today was a school day.. apparently. So I'll be taking attendance!- Kiawe!"! "Here!" 

Back to Ash!: 

With the combination of Fire Fang and Leafage, plus the extra wind of the leaves and the current,   Ash was traveling at the speed of sound! "AAHHHHHH R-ROTOM HOW M-MUCH TIME!!!!!!" All of Ashes pokemon were in his bag. Not to be blown away by the wind. "Z-Zzt 26 SECONDS!!" 

"Lana?" "Here."

"AHHHHH!" Ash just arrives in the courtyard "ZZT 13 SECONDS!" 

"Sophocles?" "H-here" 

"11 SECONDS ZZT!!!" 

"Mallow?" "Here!" 

"7 SECONDS!!!" Rotom says while Ash is running up the stairs.

"Lillie?" "Here Profess- Wait what's that screaming noise?

"1 SECOND!!!!!!" 

"No Ash?" 


Everyone's face turns to the door in awe of the ash running at the speed of light, to Ashs surprise, the wind manages to stop and he trips on the wooden shaft that held the door open. "Waghhh! Ash says flipping through the hair, while backward, his hat falls over Lillies hat, and ash slams his body into a wooden pole. 

"ASH!" Everyone screams, Lillie was the most worried. Lillie runs to her classmate, supposedly unconscious and lays his head on her lap crying. Until Ash gently said "L-Lillie.. Why are you... crying?" "ASH!!" Lillie gives Ash a gigantic bear hug on the floor while everyone else is aweing at them. "Thanks for taking care of my hat, Lillie ;). You really are the best friend anyone could ever have. 

"Ash!" "HERE!" 


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