Your Favorite Physical Asspect of His

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A/N ~ I left my phone for an hour to watch Nikkitutorials and low and behold I came back to 46 NOTIFICATIONS!!! Almost all except for three were @Maxerica4dawin which motivated for this so thank her for this treat. I swear, y'all will get spoiled with all these updates in one week.

Cal ~ His hands. They're always warm but never hot... that and they can work some serious magic.

Maven ~ His eyes. They can always make anyone feel anyway he wants and they can make anyone do anything he wants. And that one look, girl the panties just slide off on their own.

Kilorn ~ His arms. Because he felt belittled by the silvers and newbloods, he always made sure he was his best self when it came to physical aspects and he would spend two hours a day training. Now his arms were the size of tree trunks and when he hugged you you knew you were safe.

Shade ~ I want to keep this book at least relatively pg.

Jk, he has a fine backside and it's ok for you to know it. In fact, you revel in it. And have you seen dem abs sweetie? Then you be missing out.

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