First Date?

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I finally updated, y'all! Sorry for the long wait! I have been studying for finals and doing tons of homework :') but anyways, I hope you enjoy the update! Make sure to vote If you enjoy •3•

[Izuku POV]
The doorbell startled him.
He jumped when it rang, the cacophony bouncing through the house. He groaned, having just gotten comfortable on the couch. He got up anyways and trudged down the hallway, his slippers making a shuffling sound, and he eventually reached the door.
Needless to say he was surprised to find Bokugo behind the door. It took a minute for him to register the bouquet of flowers, and a few more seconds to notice the blush on the blonde's cheeks.
Flowers?? At my door at 4 in the evening??
Being unable to process what was happening, Izuku promptly slammed the door in Kachann's face. This is just another one if his games. He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. He contemplated whether or not Bokugo was being serious.
But he was shook out of his stupor when a yell from the other side of the door came.
"Dammit, Deku, open the door! Don't leave me standing out here!"
Izuku groaned. This was going to be interesting.
He slowly opened the door, and looked up at Bokugo, who was glaring at him.
"What the hell, Kachann?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
This is going way farther than I thought he'd take it.
Bokugo cleared his throat-his posture suddenly stiff and awkward-and spoke.
"I, uh, wanted to apologize for yesterday." He said gruffly. "And the day before", he added reluctantly. "...and everything before that too." He stared at the ground, his cheeks flaming as he held out his hand for Izuku to take the bouquet.
"These are for you," he muttered. "I don't know what you like, so, uh, I just got something that looked nice."
Izuku was, obviously, quite surprised at Bokugo's actions.
"Why are you giving me flowers?" He asked suspiciously. "Is there some sort of bomb planted in them? Are they poisonous? What are you up to?" Izuku crossed his arms. He didn't like this. He couldn't possibly believe that Bokugo was actually giving him flowers. It just wasn't rational.
Bokugo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "When will you understand that I'm trying to be nice to you? The flowers are for you. You're supposed to give them to people you like. Its, I don't know, romantic or some shit." He kicked at a pebble on the porch, and he was noticeably uncomfortable with the situation.
Izuku blushed, and tried to cover for it by raising an eyebrow and looking unfazed. "Its going to take a lot more convincing than just flowers."
He couldn't help but think that Kachann had been telling the truth the whole time, and he'd just let their past get in the way. He never thought it would be like this when he found out they were soulmates. It was so...weird. He doubted anyone else was paired with their supposed 'enemy'.
Izuku looked Bokugo up and down. The blonde was still tense, but even in the waning daylight he could see the heat on the boys cheeks.
Bokugo opened his mouth to speak. "Then go to dinner with me," he said roughly and quickly, the words spewing out of his mouth like a fountain.
The small boy's eyes widened. A bouquet, and now dinner???
"D-do you mean, like a d-date?" He sputtered incredulously.
Bokugo huffed. "Yes, dumbass, a date. I'm asking you out, and you better not have any plans already."

He could feel the blush on his cheeks. Oh my God, a date??
He mentally screamed. What the hell was happening?? He must have his friends there so they can beat me up together. But he looked really sincere, and the flowers we really nice...
"Are you going to answer, or just stand there red-faced and stupid looking?" Bokugo questioned.
"O-okay! I'll go with you!" Izuku half shouted, his arms locked to his sides. What the hell am I doing? I know the risk, is my heart really deciding what I'm doing now?
A hint of a smile showed on Bokugo's face. "Good. Now get ready. The place isn't super fancy, but slippers aren't necessarily appropriate."
Izuku nodded quickly, and started to close the door when Bokugo put his foot through the door's threshold.
"Wait a second, dammit, you forgot to take the flowers, Deku."
"Oh, r-right!" He stood there staring, still not taking the bouquet.
"Deku. Take. The damn. Flowers." He said, obviously irritated.
"S-sorry!" He yelped as he grabbed the flowers from Bokugo's outstretched arm.
"I'll wait here." He muttered.
"Alright, I'll be out in a few..."
Izuku closed the door, and not even a second later, sank to the floor and let out a huge sigh of relief. He grinned, thinking about what just happened. My soulmate just asked me out on a date!
He giggled to himself.
Took him long enough. He thought about how long he'd waited as he set the flowers on the table. He reached into an upper cabinet and grabbed a vase, putting some water in it, the placing in the flowers. Izuku then hurried up stairs and pulled on a pair of jeans and a pale blue sweater. Its been a few months, he thought, and everything is finally going right.
But he couldn't ignore the little voice in the back of his head telling him that Bokugo couldn't be trusted, and that the fact that they were soulmates and were supposed to be 'together forever' didn't change the fact that he was still a bad person.
Izuku frowned as he quickly combed out his hair. I'm just being paranoid, like that day in the alley. I should have believed him then, and saved a lot of trouble. He shook his head. At least it seems to be working out now.
He tied his red sneakers and headed to the door. He opened it to find Bokugo leaning against the side of his house.
"Took you long enough, nerd." The blonde huffed. "Let's go, or we're gonna be late."
"Where are we going?" Izuku questioned.
"Dinner where? A nice restaurant? A food chain?"
"At a place that serves food."
"What kind of food?"
"Good food."
Izuku sighed and shook his head, smiling. It didn't matter as long as they were there together.
"Its not a long walk," Bokugo said in the silence that had followed. "We should be there soon."
Sure enough, they walked up to a small, family owned restaurant. Izuku inhaled the delicious scent of yakitori and tonkatsu. "Mmmm," he hummed, smiling to himself as they strolled into the establishment.
They looked at a menu, but Bokugo didn't go for a table. Izuku nudged the taller boys arm. "Aren't we getting a table?" He questioned quietly.
"Were getting takeout." Bokugo stated bluntly. He didn't elaborate, so Izuku didnt press. Surprises were good, after all.
Izuku ordered a bowl of udon, and Bokugo got oyakodon. They left a short while later, and they walked side by side to the park.
"Why the park?" The small boy questioned.
Bokugo shrugged nonchalantly. "Its nice out here. Better then a stuffy restaurant." He opened his carry out container and started eating. Izuku followed suit, acutely aware that he was sitting next to Kachann, less than a foot apart. He savored the taste of the food, and relished the fact that tonight, he was out on a date with Kachann.

[Bokugo POV]
Needless to say, Bokugo was nervous.
Like, butterflies in his stomach, sweaty palms, itching to move and do anything other than just sit and make small talk kind of nervous.
He could not believe that Izuku had said yes to being asked out. Was it the flowers? Did something that seemed so small to me make such a difference?
He looked to his left, at the mop of green hair. He truly never expected he'd get this far. He finally had his soulmate with him. It felt so...right.
Being next to Izuku, and talking with him made him feel a sense of calmness and serenity that he'd never felt before. It sounded cliché, but he felt whole. He'd never realized that part of himself had been so hollow. He'd never noticed how lonely he felt when he wasn't around Izuku, and even more so when he had bullied the boy. It had ached, and he'd ignored it.
He snapped out of his daze when Izuku tugged on his shirt sleeve.
"H-hey, I'll take out our trash. We're both finished..."
"Oh yeah...thanks," Bokugo said, the word feeling weird on his tongue. He never used words like 'thank you' or 'you're welcome'. He never wanted to, until now. He just felt obligated to be polite to Izuku.
He leaned back, putting his hands behind his head and sighed in relief when Izuku left to throw out their trash. He'd expected the small boy to reject him like he had before. He didn't think this far ahead...what was he going to do? He didn't have anything planned. He thought back to earlier.
"Then go to dinner with me."
What the hell am I even saying? I didn't plan to take him to dinner, he's most likely going to say no anyways...

And he hadn't meant to ask. But he had, and it had worked out in his favor. That didn't keep his stomach from knotting up, though. It may feel great to be around him, but Izuku still made him nervous. Especially sitting next to him. He wanted to be closer to the small boy, but at the same time he felt he should be worlds away.
Izuku came to the bench and sat down. It was dusk now, the fading sunlight reflecting in their eyes.
"So what now?" Izuku asked tentatively.
I have no idea, he thought. He shrugged, standing up and stretching. He tried to up with something quickly, searching for something that would pass for a first date.
Izuku piped up. "We could sit on the hill over there," he stated, pointing to the grassy hill overlooking the bay, "and watch the stars when they come out."
Why didn't I think of that? "Well only a damn nerd like you would want to watch the stars."
Izuku frowned, and Bokugo coughed as he realized he was bring rude. "Its not a bad thing." He got out quickly. He nodded for Izuku to follow him, and they walked together to the hill.
When they reached the top, Izuku sat on the soft grass, and patted the ground next to him. Bokugo was glad for the lack of light; Izuku wouldnt be able to see him blushing.
He sat down, and they stared at the open sky above them. They were still close to the city, but far enough out that they could see Orion and Cassiopeia.
"They're incredible, aren't they?" The small boy murmured.
Not as incredible as you Bokugo wanted to say, then mentally smacked himself for thinking it.
"Yeah." He growled.

"Hey Kachann?"
"What do you want, nerd."
A small silence followed before he heard Izuku take in a breath before he asked: "if you liked me, why did you tell me to jump off a roof?"
The quiet was so dense you could cut it with a knife. He could feel the intensity of Izuku's stare. Why did I tell him that?
"I..." He started. He sighed as he sat up, his elbows resting on his knees as he held his face in his hands. "...I guess I just didn't know how to process the feelings I had for you.
"Before I found out we were soulmates, I bullied you because you were weak and helpless." Izuku looked at the ground when he said that. "...but over time I found out that you were kind, and endearing, and damn cute, too."
He looked over at the small boy who was smiling as he gazed at the stars again. "It wasn't until the day after the bridge incident that I realized I actually liked you..." He huffed. "It was hard," he said quietly. He laid down next to Izuku and looked to the sky. "I didn't know how to cope. So I did what I had always done. I was an ass, and I made some awful mistakes." He growled, thinking about that day in class. "I told you to jump off the damn roof, for fucks sake." He rested his arms over his eyes. "I don't understand why you said yes when all I've ever done is try to bring you down." He felt himself deflate as all his pent up thoughts escaped. He'd told the truth.
"I'm giving you a second chance," Izuku mumbled quietly. "You haven't done much to make me forgive you for all the awful things you've done, but I'm willing to try." He looked at the blonde. "I won't give up on you, Kachann," he said while smiling. "You mean too much to me."

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