A Fresh Start?

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Hahah I'm running out of ideas already 😅 so if you have any suggestions, please comment and vote if you enjoy .3.
Anyways, on with the chapter

[Izuku POV]
He heard a rustling next to him as he opened his eyes groggily. He blinked the sleep out of his green eyes, and glanced to his right. He squinted, not sure if he was actually awake.
"Kachann...?" He whispered. To his surprise, the boy looked at him. Is this real? He thought. It can't be. He's not yelling, or beating me up. He's just...sitting there.
The memory of tumbling off the roof came back to him, and he wondered: oh God, am I dead?
"Am I in heaven...?" He questioned. He blinked. He was so confused. "Y-you're not beating me up, or yelling at me..." I must be dreaming. Am I in some sort of limbo? This all seems so real...
He reaches out and touches Bokugo's face. He really was there. But his face was...wet? Was Kachann crying? "Kachann, why are you crying?" He asked. He was concerned, of course. He couldn't imagine what could make someone like Bokugo cry. He was so stoic. He didn't like seeing him cry. It was heartbreaking.
Then Bokugo took his hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Oh my God oh my God oh my God Kachann is holding my hand. He's holding my hand!! A deep blush made its way up his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry, Deku..." His voice broke.
I've never seem him look so...vulnerable. He's so cute...
But all too soon, Bokugo released his hand, frowning. He was back to his normal, intimidating self.
"But what the hell were you thinking, jumping off the damn roof like that??? He Shouted, very loudly, Izuku noted. It was like he flicked a switch. He went from caring and concerned to angry and explosive.
But Bokugo wasn't finished: " You could have died for fucks sake!! Do you know how miserable I'd be if You were dead??" He clamped his hand over his mouth like he had said something bad. Miserable? He'd be miserable if I died? Is that because he wouldn't have anyone to bully, so he'd be bored out of his mind? "But you hate me." Izuku said. "Why would you care if I died??" He was tearing up now, much to his dismay. Why am I such a damn crybaby??
Bokugo looked at him, his Ruby eyes mesmerizing...
"I don't hate you..." He spoke softly, which was weird for him. "How could I? You're my soulmate, dammit." He rubbed the back of his neck, seemingly nervous.
Izuku lay down and closed his eyes. This has got to be some sort of miracle. Kachann wouldnt admit to liking me...he probably doesn't! This is probably some sort of trick to make me feel even worse! Yet...its so believable...
"Heh...I really must have died and gone to heaven. The real Kachann would never say that. I know he hates me." He took a deep breath. "If he truly liked me, how could he be so cruel?" He gazed up into Bokugo's eyes. A flash of emotion-was that hurt?- quickly dashed behind his eyes, but it was gone in just a second, replaced my a mellow sadness.
"Deku...you're not dead. I caught you before you could fall." He sighed "I couldn't stand there and watch you die. I-I..." He put his head in his hands, but he could clearly see the heat on the other boy's cheeks. Is Kachann....blushing???
Bokugo muttered incoherently. What??
He couldn't hear a word the blonde had just said. He sounded so flustered though. Izuku started to blush. "You...what?" He whispered.
"I like you." He growled, but not in a menacing way. "A lot."
Whoa whoa whoa. This definitely has to be some kind of mistake. There is not way that Kachann actually returns my feelings?? My crush for months, the boy who has bullied me since we were kids, suddenly likes me back? This doesn't compute. His cronies are probably around the corner laughing their asses off.
Izuku sits up quickly, anger boiling in his eyes. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Did you somehow find out that I'd had a crush on you, and you and your friends planned some elaborate prank to make me feel worse than I already do about my miserable life??" At this point, he had started to cry again. He shakily stood up, looking down at Bokugo. "I'm not taking your shit anymore, Kachann. I'm done with you." He shook his head and wiped his eyes. How could the one person I like the most be so awful?
Before he could leave, however, Bokugo jumps up off the ground and steps in front of Izuku.
"Whoa whoa whoa. You..like me too?"
He looks surprised, and his cheeks are flushed. "Don't play dumb." Izuku scowls. "you've probably known for a while now. Just leave me alone."
The blonde reaches out and grabbes his wrist tightly. "Do you really think I'm lying?" He asks. "I know that for the past few years I've been awful to you. I regret everything. Watching you fall from that roof was the most terrifying thing I've experienced. I thought you were going to die and it would have been because of my reckless actions. I'm so, so sorry Deku. I really do like you...we're soulmates, right? We're supposed to be there for each other, and I really fucked that up..." He sighed. "I'm sorry..." He says again. He almost seems sincere. Izuku frowned. "Kachann, you have given me no reason to trust you. I know you're lying. Let go of me." He was pissed. This had been the worst day of his life and he just wanted to get home. He yanked his arm free and shoved passed a shocked Bokugo. "Leave me alone." Was all he said as he left the alleyway.
"GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN NERD! I-I mean come back, Deku!!" He yelled to the small boy's back. But he ignored him. Of course he was lying. Thinking any other way would just bring his hopes up, only to have them come crashing down once again.

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