Part 4

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The next morning I woke up to a soft quietness. There were no birds chirping, no loud shouts throughout the house, no morning news blasting from the TV in the living room, or mom singing her oldies in the kitchen. I almost forgot where I was until I looked around.

A lazy smile graced my face as a stretched in my bed. I felt like I was lying on the clouds. So many warm blankets and a comforting mattress. Life was absolutely treating me well, aside from Drew.

Why was I even thinking about that dead weight?

I glanced out the window to see a blanket of snow covering the back field. It was perfectly untouched. The holy grail of gorgeous winter scenery. No animal tracks or human footprints- flawless.

I heard a soft knock from my door and slowly, I got up to answer it. Thinking it was just Rose, I didn't even bother to fix my appearance. "Isn't it so beautiful here?" I hummed, opening the door.

"Oh-" It was Grant. Young Grant.

"It is beautiful here. It's the snow. It makes everything magical." He smiled at me as my cheeks turned red. "I thought you were Rose." I said, turning quickly around and over to my vanity.

"Sorry to disappoint." I looked back just in time to see Grant place a hand over his heart, mocking hurt. It made me smile as I tried to smooth my curls into a bun.

"No, it's ok! I like you- well um not like you-" His mouth formed an "o" shape as he gasped.

I closed my eyes, "no, I like you. You're awesome- I just-" I sighed, giving up. See, this is what I was talking about when I said Rose and I handle nervousness differently? I was so flustered, I couldn't even speak correctly.

"I'm only messing with you." Grant laughed. "Here, I brought you up some food since you missed breakfast." I missed breakfast? Holy- I didn't even see that plate in his hand.

"Was your Grandma Rose angry? I didn't mean to offend anyone. Yesterday was just a stressful day and I was so tired and the bed was so comfortable-"

"Kitty, calm down." The way he said kitty made me blush again. I felt my stomach churn. "Kitty?" I question, raising an eyebrow. A confused smile crossed my face. "I don't know." He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. "It just fits." He winked at me.

Is he flirting with me? No way, we just met yesterday-

"Anyway, it wasn't a grand breakfast like last night's dinner. Dad just made some pancakes and I helped with the bacon." As if on cue, the smell of bacon hit my nostrils and I wanted to snatch the food out of his hands.

Thankfully, my parents taught me home training. "Thank you." I smiled, taking the plate and placing it on my dresser. I don't know why, but I invited him to sit down and relax.

I switched on the TV to Hallmark, I knew they'd be playing Christmas movies and I felt like that was a perfect channel for this time of year.

"So you cook?" I say before biting into the bacon. "I cook, I hunt, I speak fluently in German, and I'm currently learning how to bake." He sat in the chair, next to my bed and propped his feet up.

"You and the Govern cook, impressive."

He laughed.

"What?" I smile.

"The Govern. You make him sound so important." His smile was so wide and contagious, it could make a whole room light up.

"Well, I know to you he's just dad but to me, he is the Govern of New Hampshire. Plus, it would be confusing to call him Grant and you Grant." I explained before stuffing some pancakes in my mouth.

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