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Kwon Soonyoung

the clock reads 05:42. Shit, had he really stayed up all night again? soonyoung sighs quietly, pulling off his headphones and rubbing his face tiredly. jisung is going to be so pissed at him. he looks around his room and winces at the mess. clothes are tossed carelessly across his bed, slipping onto his equally messy floor. papers litter the carpet, and piled around the bin is chip wrappers and empty ramyeon cups he had failed to make into the basket from his desk. All of his lights are off, the only thing illuminating his room being the bright light of his desktop.

soonyoung reaches over and pulls the chain on his lamp, hearing the satisfying click as it switches on. he pushes his chair back, rolling over what he presumes to be a sock, and standing up, stretching his arms above his head. he catches a whiff of himself as he turns his head and grimaces. he shoots a look at his calendar and sees 'SHOWER DAY!!' written in jisung's handwriting, circled a few times.

"oh thank fuck," he mutters to himself, pulling his shirt over his head.

he fumbles around his room, filtering through his shots in an attempt to find a clean one. he eventually uncovers one wedged between his mattress and the wall, sniffing it and deeming it good enough. he finds his last pair of clean underwear and makes his way into the bathroom. 

should i make today my laundry day while i still have clean clothes? he thinks to himself. nah.

he turns on the water, testing the temperature before stripping the rest of the way, stepping into the shower. he messes around for a few moments, reading jisung's shampoo bottle and comparing her razor to his. he smells her body wash and shrugs, assuming she wouldn't notice of he used just a little bit. he pops open the cap and squirts some into his hand, and in his attempt to close the lid with one hand, the bottle slips and hits a shelf before landing on soonyoung's toe. the final impact to the bottle causes the lid to pop off entirely, and pink gel begins to ooze from the opening at an alarmingly fast rate.

"shit, shit, shit, fuck," soonyoung hops on one foot while trying to simultaneously pick the bottle back up before it emptied entirely.

he manages to save a little bit of the shower gel, but the majority has leaked out and turned into copious amounts of suds around his feet, and what he had previously had in his hand had washed off in his endeavors to retrieve the bottle. he curses himself and grabs his own shower gel from the shelf. hopefully he can replace jisung's before she visits without her noticing.

he finishes washing up and and turns off the water, groping blindly for his towel hanging on the wall. he pulls it into the shower stall with him, running it through his hair quickly before wrapping it around his waist and stepping out of the shower. he notices right away that he had forgotten to grab pants.

"jesus christ kwon soonyoung, get your life together. it's literally a pair of pants, you're better than this," he scolds himself and waddles into his room, trying to keep his towel from falling from his waist, and grabs a pair of basketball shorts.

on his way back to the bathroom, his eyes catch the time, 06:03. he grabs his phone from his desk and heads out of the room, checking a new message from hansol. 

h: game in seven minutes bro be ready

soonyoung groans quietly and rushes to get ready, wiping the condensation rom the mirror with his towel and tossing his clothes into his room as he passes it, heading toward the living room. he turns on the tv and rolls his eyes as he pulls rayman legends from the shelf and slides it into the console. hansol is new to gaming. this was really the only game he knew how to play at the moment, and while soonyoung loves hansol to death, he can feel the game getting a bit old.

eventually, the time comes and soonyoung joins hansol's game, watching him select a new level in the story. soonyoung leans forward in his seat, checking the time once more. 06:12. any minute. he turns his attention back to the game, chasing after hansol's character. his phone vibrates on the coffee table and he picks it up, answering and pressing the device between his cheek and his shoulder.

"hey jisung," he greets distractedly, slapping a frog in the face.

"soonyoung, did you get any sleep last night?" the sound of a door closing in the hallway makes soonyoung's ears perk, and he forgets to answer. "soonyoung?"

"what? o-oh, yeah. sure," he slurs his words together, jumping over a hole and running towards another enemy.

"jesus, soonyoung, seriously?" jisung was angry. "pause the game."

"shit, shit, shit, shit-" he watches his character pop into a bubble to be revives. "no! i dodged, you fucking fuck! what the fuck? god,"

"pause the damn game," the voice drags soonyoung back into reality. he sighs, shooting a chat to hansol to pause the game, and sets his controller on the table.

"you need to figure out a better way to do this whole thing, soonyoung," jisung scolds. "your house is a mess, you never sleep, you eat nothing but absolute shit. i can't stand being around because your house is such a fucking dump!"

"then don't come to my house. i'll go to yours." soonyoung spits back, but he couldn't help but be offended by her words. 

"soonyoung," she warns. 

"fine, i'll clean up or something. fuck," he mutters, tugging at his hair. 

jisung sighs. "just--at least get a plant or something. get something that has some sort of life besides the mold growing in your fridge. "

he rolls his eyes. "i gotta go. bye, love you,"

she hangs up without another word and soonyoung feels like ripping his eyeballs out. he shoots an apologetic text to hansol.

s: sorry man, girl is acting up. we'll play again later, okay? preferably something that isn't rayman legends lol

as he's slipping his shoes on, he hears back from hansol. he pulls a hoodie over his head and grabs his wallet and a pen and makes his way to the door before checking hansol's response.

h: it's all good fam don't worry about it. but goddamn not to be rude but your lady's a bitch. sorry, but i don't like my best friend being pushed around by the chick he's dating. i suggest you switch to men. it worked for me

soonyoung snorts and slides his phone into his pocket. upon opening the door, he's greeted with a sticky note on his apartment number. a wide smile stretches across his face as he plucks the paper from the wood. it's the same message everyday, without fail. but every day, soonyoung looks forward to the small, neat handwriting, and the little flowers doodles in the corner of each note.

pottymouth, please!

soonyoung doesn't know the person's name, nor does he know they face. but he does know that his neighbor can not stand his foul language at all. he never makes an attempt to watch his language despite the messages, worried that the notes would stop altogether if he began to watch his mouth. he would miss the colourful ink on the baby blue paper. 

so instead, soonyoung writes his own message on the sticky note, and presses it to the wood of the stranger's door. a ghost of a smile remains on his face as he makes his way out of the complex. he wonders if he'll get a response today.

did you remember a coat today? it looks cold out there :)

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