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@dancinghobi bitch by the time this story is over you'll only be halfway through the first chapter of crayons fuck you


Kwon Soonyoung

"so you're telling me," soonyoung begins, downing the rest of his coffee. "you've never owned a phone?"

minghao shakes his head. "i wasn't allowed to have a phone when i was a child, and by the time my parents were allowing me to get one, i wasn't interested anymore."

in the thirteen days since soonyoung and minghao had met, soonyoung had been around the plant shop nine of those days. today wasn't meant to be day ten–he was originally getting coffee with hansol and seungkwan when he felt the tap on his shoulder and turned around to be greeted by minghao's bright smile. needless to say, his visit with seungkwan and hansol didn't last long after that. 

"oh, i just kind of assumed you had always been against the technology stuff."

"no, of course not! i used to love power rangers when i was a kid. i'd get up early every day so i could watch a little bit before school."

"cute," soonyoung muses. he notices minghao's cheeks bloom into a light pink and watches his glasses fog up as he takes a sip from his tea to ignore his embarrassment. soonyoung feels a small smirk stretch across his lips, but he chooses to keep quiet.

"yeah, um," minghao clears his throat. "but then i started getting into martial arts and dance. i learned i enjoyed being in the moment more than i enjoyed playing video games or watching tv."

"you dance?" soonyoung leans back in his seat, eyes wide. "how come you've never told me this?"

"you never asked," minghao laughs, making a smile grow on soonyoung's face. "plus, i barely know you. god, why am i sitting here with you? what's your name again?"

"hey, don't be an asshole," minghao eyes soonyoung over his mug and raises an eyebrow, causing soonyoung's smile to drop for a moment before coming back bigger and brighter. "i can't help it, it's instinct at this point."

minghao sighs. "one of these days you're going to make me swear, and it will be the end of the world as we know it."

soonyoung laughs. "what, you've never sworn either?"

"nope," minghao looks proud of himself. "this is a house of god, no pottymouths here."

"i actually dance too," soonyoung ignores minghao's words. "i have a couple of other friends i get together with every once and a while and i put together dances for songs we choose. it's really fun."

"you actually leave your house for other reasons than to bother me at work?" soonyoung glares at his teasing. "i'm only kidding. creating choreography is really difficult, so that's awesome. who do you meet with?"

"their names are chan and jun. jun's chinese, like you," he swirls his empty cup around, contemplating ordering another. "but he's really stuck up, i don't think you'd be able to handle him."

minghao laughs, and soonyoung feels his heart skip a beat. "sounds like i might have to meet them."

soonyoung shakes his head. "jun's too charming. he'd steal you away from me in a heartbeat."

"darn, i was really hoping to fall in love and run away with a man i barely knew," it's quiet for a moment as the two look at each other. soonyoung can feel his cheeks begin to burn with the intensity of minghao's stare, and the small smirk spreading across his lips only proves to soonyoung that minghao knows that he's doing.

"well, this was fun," soonyoung comments, slapping his thighs. "but i think i should be heading back home shortly. make sure my house isn't a freaking mess before jisung arrives."

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