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"so, you saw minghao," jun gestures to the flowers in soonyoung's hand. "what are those for?"

"they're for minghao."

"i knew it!"

"you bought flowers for minghao, from minghao, but you didn't give them to minghao?" chan stands up, using the ballet barre to keep him steady. "i'm afraid i don't understand."

soonyoung rolls his eyes. "i'm putting them at his door, dumbass. as a surprise."

"you know where he lives?" jun asks. "creep."

"well, it turns out we're neighbors," soonyoung explains, hopping onto a table and laying the flowers down beside him. "he just doesn't know what yet."

"wait, he's the boy you've been flirting with over notes?!" soonyoung nods, and jun's eyes bulge. "bro, talk about fate."

"dude he's gonna think that's so creepy, what the fuck," soonyoung shoots chan a sharp look. "what? why have you not cared about honourifics until now?"

"it's not that. i still could give less of a shit about that," soonyoung sighs. "it's that the both of you assume i haven't thought anything through. i'm not dull, you know."

"well, why aren't you out there executing that genius plan you claim to have then?" jun checks his appearance in the mirror, fiddling with his hair. "i have a client in an hour and i'm still wearing my netflix-binging shirt."

"jun, you could literally not shower for six days and walk around in a trash bag and people would still beg you to get into bed with them. shut up."

"speaking of," chan pipes up. "jun, have you talked to your boss about getting me a job?"

"chan, you're like twelve, shut the fuck up."

"i'm literally twenty-one."

"lee jungchan," soonyoung speaks up, crossing his arms. "neither of us are letting you throw your life away at such a young age to get fucked by random strangers for money."

"jun started when he was nineteen!" chan whines.

"and look where he is now."

"making 750,000₩ a week and getting a good fuck more often than you?"

"jun, there's like a seventy percent chance you have aids," soonyoung snaps. "we are trying to steer him away from becoming a prostitute, not encourage him!" jun puts his hands up in surrender, and soonyoung sighs. "look, chan, i'll talk to minghao. maybe he can get you a job. he doesn't have any employees, and he's got a really good business going."

chan pouts. 

"listen, kid. you'll look a lot prettier surrounded by plants and flowers than di—"

"yes!" soonyoung is quick to cut jun off, shooting his third glare of the day toward his best friend. "minghao would definitely let you make flower crowns and sell them! he's definitely let you keep some, too."

"okay, that doesn't sound too bad."

"great!" jun claps, a bright smile on his face. "now that that's out of the way, i'm gonna go home and shower before i meet with jinyoung."

"yeah," soonyoung stands up, stretching his arms above his head before picking up the bouquet.. he makes his way to the door. "i need to go break up with my girlfriend."

"wait, you haven't done that already?"

"dude, that's fucked."


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