Entry #1

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Hey. I think I should introduce myself. Hikana didn't say anything about rules... Alright, let me explain. I'm Uzumaki Naruto, the Nanadaime Hokage.

So my daughter, Hikana, and her teammate, Takara, said journals or diaries help them with stress. And I'm pretty fucking stressed. Sakura even said it would help (and she commented on my graying hairs, but let's just ignore that), so here we are.

So while I hide from Shikamaru in the bathroom, I guess I'll do whatever I'm supposed to do in here. I mean, why the hell not? Better than waiting for Kakashi to find me.

Well, because this is supposed to be a stress relief, let's talk about stress! If there's one thing that annoys me beyond relief, it's the lack of people to ask for advice when it comes to hokage business. I mean, four of Seven hokage are dead, one seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth—sending a few post cards here and there, but still out of touch—and one was in charge in the beginning of the peace era. Just great for me.

So I have zero clue how the hell I'm supposed to do about the small scale terrorist attacks scattering throughout the smaller nations. I have to talk about it with the other kage soon. I'm dreading it, mostly because Kurotsuchi seems eager to investigate.

Besides that, nothing has really been happening. I sent Team Konohamaru, Team Moegi and Team Udon out on a long mission recently, so Hikana has been bugging me a lot. I love her to death, I really do, but I swear, it's quite annoying!

I told Sasuke, but he just called me a hypocrite. Like, thanks for the support, asshole.

I had told Shikamaru to stay home again today, but he decided to come anyway to make sure I actually do something productive. Almost no one knows this, but he can be really scary. The most terrifying people are the ones you least expect ( and Hinata is sure proof of that).

Maybe that's why he and Temari make a good pair: they both scare the shit out of me. Speaking of people who scare the shit out of me, Sakura said my constant working and worrying isn't healthy.

Takehiko pointed out a gray hair on my head, but being half Uzumaki, I don't age fast at all, so it was probably from stress. And honestly, I don't know what's with people and freaking out over my hair.

All this talk about stress is kinda depressing, but hey! That's what being hokage is about. Not literally, but a lot of sacrifices are made. Including my free time. Guess it's my fault for signing up for it, tho.

Though I wouldn't give it up for the world.

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