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After three days on the road, I'd finally arrived back in Bayville, New York. It was strange being back here and as I climbed out of my shabby pickup truck, I noticed the mansion was under repair, a blue tarp covered one of the large bay windows and the corner of the building looked like it had been blasted off.

I knew from Logan that Xavier had shut down the mansion as a school; he wanted it to be a safe haven for young mutants, but since it doubled as the X-Men's base, it was the target for numerous attacks from the Brotherhood, other pissed of mutants and the new anti-mutant group, Friends of Humanity, so really it was no place for children; now it was purely X-Men business. At least it'd be a bit quieter.

"Rogue!" The wind was knocked out of me as my old roommate Kitty Pryde ran into me and gave me a tight hug.

"Hey Kitty, I missed you, too," I laughed as I patted her back and then pulled away; she hadn't changed much in the six years I'd been gone; still the small little bundle of excitement with her hair in a high ponytail that swung with her movements.

"Oh wow, look at your hair," She noted, the smile on her face was a nice, familiar sight.

"Yeah, I kinda got sick of dying it and straightening it." I used to have to get up two hours earlier than her to work on my hair; it was naturally curly and it took a lot of work to get it in order, if I didn't dry it properly after the shower, it'd look like an afro. As for the color, I'd like to think I'd gotten over my gothic faze, and went back to my natural red.

"You look totally different! Like in a good way, though, you don't look so scary anymore," Kitty stopped, her bright blue eyes widening slightly. "Not that I was scared of you, or anything, but others totally were. Want help with your bags?"

"Nah, it's okay, only got the one," I replied, going round the back of my truck and retrieving my small rucksack from the backseat.

"Is that seriously all you have?" Kitty's eyebrows pulled together and I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Yes, unlike some, I don't need fifty dresses and two hundred pairs of shoes." I mocked and headed toward the front door; Kitty skipped along beside me. I tried to hide the nervousness I was feeling as I open the door and walked inside.

Standing in the lobby, memories flooded my head of my time here; when Bobby slid down the banister and ended up breaking his arm, running around after Kurt when he ate the last of my cereal, I know that my time here wasn't all bad, there were some good memories; but I'd felt like I was in a cage; just sitting around waiting for the next fight.

The strong smell of sulfur signaled the arrival of my furry blue little brother, Kurt, he smiled at me, showing his sharp teeth, but there was a hint of sadness in his yellow eyes.

"Hey Rogue, I'm glad you're back, I didn't believe Raven when she said you were coming," Kurt had definitely had a growth spurt since I'd been gone, at a guess, he'd have to be at least six foot one.

"What can I say? Mystique really sold it to me," I replied lightheartedly, but instantly realized my mistake when both Kitty and Kurt's face fell.

"You're only here because Mystique spoke to you? I thought you were just coming home," Kitty asked, coming to stand in front of me to look me in the eye.

"Does it really matter? I'm here to help with Sinister," I muttered, feeling mightily uneasy. "Look, I've had a long drive here, I'd like to get some rest. Where am I staying?"

"Jean's old room is empty, I guess you can stay there," Kitty replied, but the energy from her voice was gone, after speaking she walked off toward the kitchen. So glad to see Kitty still gets offended over the smallest thing.

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