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Akihito stares disbelieving on what is in front of him, like it's a dangerous item he shouldn't touch or he might die. There in the bathroom sink lay what seem to be a pregnancy test, the object had a green smiley face to it, indicating positive.

He took a deep breath, he himself doesn't understand what he feels. His annoyed and want to scream. It's supposed to be a joke; Kou and Takato teased him about being pregnant, sick for weeks with the same symptom of a pregnant woman, he tries it just for fun and since he thinks it wouldn't hurt to know, for he is man since birth. But karma seems to backfire on him.

So many questions formed in his mind. He even denies the fact that the pregnancy kit expired, have malfunction or any but as he checks it, it worsened his feelings.

"I'm a man" he mumbled, his resolve slowly crumbling and accepting the fact presented in front of him. Then he froze in realization when he remembers, if this situation is not a dream, then the baby he's carrying was Asami's child.

Fear flooded him, Asami may throw him if he finds him as a freak but if Asami may know about his condition, he fears the child's life. Putting the life of their child in this kind of life is not ideal, but he won't abort the baby forming inside him. Never. But then, this may be all misconception.

He nods to that. Sighing and destroying the hideous pregnancy test and decide that he'll go to the doctor tomorrow, not to confirm the ridiculous news but to find his real illness.

With that and everything he proceeds to continue his work. An hour has passed after he finishes organizing the photos he recently captured with a cheating politician.

Bored and really don't want to think what happened a while ago, Akihito proceed to check his teenage portfolio, his first ever taken photo appears then another and another.

Thirty minutes scanning photos and praising his awesomeness, he stumbles to a photo, he thought of a dream, a forgotten dream, no erase that, an imagination, imagination that his teenage self creates, shines in the computer screen.

Shiver runs through his entire body, he felt nauseous to the cold he suddenly feels. Dizziness consumes him as he stares longer at the photo.

He feels like a bucket of cold water was thrown to him when everything comes back, his teenage memories with a child, a five year old child who claims to be his own, who he thought is a dream, a product of his imagination.

His hands unconsciously get on his stomach, another covering his mouth as tears blurred his vision.

"This is not true" Akihito sob, even if he does not go to the doctor tomorrow, the photo confirms everything; he is indeed pregnant with the bastard child.

In the picture, Akihito is in the park, smiling brightly, hugging a five-year-old, golden eyed, black haired child with a cheeky grin while waving in the camera.

The photo with mini Asami was taken by Kou and Takato, when he was seventeen years old. When one day he wakes up, goes to school, have a street fight then a crying little child appear out of nowhere, asking him why he is fighting those guys and hurting himself.

Akihito's sob turns to chuckle as the child in his memories that clearly is blurred before, are slowly becoming clear, and remembering those golden eyes full of energy, brightness and joy, so different with the bastard's.

Akihito leans to his chair, mind mess up, emotions in turmoil but one thing he wished for, for that child to appear in front of him and tells him what to do.


Asami glares at nothing. Kirishima at the other hand is hesitating if he should continue on briefing his boss' schedule. The atmosphere is somewhat suffocating, Asami's business associates demands causing this.

Early this morning, after their 8:00 meeting, one of his associates suddenly asks when will Asami marry the mother of his supposedly heir.

Asami almost pulled his gun and kill the man who asked the question in front of everyone, gladly Kirishima is there to clear all the misconception that the famous actress claims. Asami only meets the woman at least twice in an event, nothing more nothing less. But this cause more trouble than it should have been.

Some of his business partners, asks him when will he marry and get heir. They even threatened that if he didn't do it sooner, he may lose the company, they reasoned that the company should promote family-oriented CEO to boost its profit. But behind those, Asami and his assistant know that they all want to throw their daughters to him.

"Kirishima" Asami call, stopping Kirishima's musing.

"Yes, Asami-sama" Kirishama readied himself from his boss orders.

"You do remember the brat that look like me" Asami said, not ask. Kirishima remembers a teenager claiming as Asami's son a few years back. It seems like it's only yesterday when that mysterious event happened. That brat really does look like Asami.

"You mean Ichiro-kun, Asami-sama?" Kirishima asks.

"Yes, if whatever he says is true then that means he will be born later this year. Prepare to find him" Asami orders looking out in his office window. Thinking how he would have a child when he only sleeps with Akihito.

"Hai, Asami-sama" Kirishima nodded and starts preparing everything.

If he finds the child, everything will be okay. Akihito will stay by his side, taking care of the child with him. His kitten may retort but his sure that he'll come around and with the babysitting before, Asami is sure that Akihito will be more than willing.

A few years back, Asami has the biggest shock in his life when a brat who looks likes him come barging in his office, angry and challenging him in a battle of real men that somewhat turned to feeding the child chocolates to stop his tantrum.

Asami is an only child so is his parents, so he doesn't know anyone who has the same eye color like him. An Asami has only those golden eyes.

The child claims he comes from the future and that he is Asami's son. Asami and his closest bodyguard Suoh and Kirishima laugh at this but the child challenge them with DNA test and that comes positive.

Now the only thing Asami should do is to convince his kitten to take care of the child when he will be found, with him, heck he will even asks Akihito to marry him if that what it takes. They've been together for years now, four to be exact. He sure his kitten will say yes. But then his Asami Ryuichi he can't just get his kitten and child to danger. He needs to protect them. Akihito alone can be in any trouble anytime so was the other brat coming. If this world is weird as it is, Asami think that Ichiro-the other brat- is his and Akihito's child. He has Asami's look but he has Akihito's bright and trouble magnet attitude.

Asami chuckle to this and only hope.

He hopes that look-alike brat will show up and tell him that Akihito is his mother.

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