Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Meeting Ichirou

AN: All I can say is wow, the feedbacks are fast. Thank you for reviewing and reading, it's overwhelming, I'll try to update every five days. I thought this would only be a three to five chapters, but when I start writing it, the lengths are so out of my habit. Sorry for the grammar and misspelling though, English is not my mother tongue. Thank you for all the support

Disclaimer: I don't own the finder series, Yamane Ayano does.


Past: 17 years old Akihito's predicament

Akihito didn't break the staring contest he was in with the golden-eyed child who is quickly finishing all his pocky.

This morning he wakes up, ready to conquer the day, then some students picks on him because of his hair. A fight broke out and he limped away and settling down in the river bank then suddenly a child appeared, crying because of his recklessness, making Akihito confuse. Who bothers anyway when he participates in a brawl?

"Okay, kid where your parents are? Shouldn't you be in kindergarten or anything not here? Oh, are you lost, by chance?" Akihito questions the kid, trying to sound friendly as possible. Glad that the kid stops crying when he gives him food. That is the only thing he knows to stop a crying child.

The kid only shakes his head no and stares at Akihito while munching the rest of the pocky.

"Can you even talk?" Akihito exclaims and lies back in the grass wincing when his shoulder hit the field.

The kid moves and sit beside him, giving him the last pocky, Akihito happily accept it.

"We should go to the police station, they know what to do." Akihito said, looking at the child who shakes his head no.

Akihito sighs and looks back at the kid. He'll sure have a headache if the kid will continue not to cooperate.

He notices the kid's golden eyes. It's beautiful, it's the first time he sees such colored orbs. He can't stop staring, it's mesmerizing and his shiny black hair seems so smooth. Sure, this kid will be admired by a lot of girls, heck even boys when he grows up.

Akihito can't stop being amused when he notices the child is wearing a three-piece suit. He looks like a little yakuza boss, slick back his hair will be a plus but who would let a child wear one in such hot weather. It's spring but the weather is hot, maybe the child belongs to a stuck-up rich family who force the child to wear those uncomfortable clothes.

The kid blinks and waves his hand in Akihito's face to catch his attention.

"What?" Akihito asks, looking for some candies in his pocket so the child will leave him alone and can think about what to do.

"I'm Ichirou" the kid introduces, stopping Akihito on what his doing.

"Oh, so you can talk. Then answer my previous questions" Akihito sighed, a little annoyed because the kid is thinning his patience but his controlling it. He won't hurt a kid no matter what. It's just hard to understand children.

The kid looks away, seems thinking then look back at Akihito tilting his head, contemplating if he should tell.

"Cute" Akihito thought.

"I'm Ichirou, your son..." Ichirou counts using his finger and show his two hands to Akihito.

"...ten years from now" the kid gives him a sheepish smile.

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