Fighting Combat Disaster!

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Bobby woke up in a kinda weird place, he saw that he was in a room, he remembered this room but forgot what it was called,

Meanwhile in Miitomo (world)

"Actually uh, do you think he'll be ok" Nick replied, "Of course he is" Goomba replied back to Nick, Maybe, Goomba whisperd, "Sorry, But what what did you say" Nick answered, "Nothing" Goomba Weirdly, just then, Nick left Goomba's room struggling that it was nothing, surely Goomba was joking, Right, "Ah man, my clothes are dirty" Nick looking at his clothes, "Looks like I have to get ready for some miidrop, While Nick took a bath and put some clean clothes on, he then packed up his phone and stickers just in case I need to look cool, I on over to the downstairs game room where most people are during Tuesday's, he looked around and then opened the door to the game room, and to be the least, it was crowded with people, he started going to candy trop first to get some Game Tickets for the other games since he was very low on Game tickets and doesn't want to spend to much Miitomo coins for the games, specially since it's 500 coins each, what a ripoff is what I would say, after a few candy trop turns, assoment comes.

Everyone sits down facing the stage, someone with a microphone is announcing a new update to the Miitomo trop, "There will be a new update to all systems of the Miitomo drop, it will now, and forever be, FREE, "WHAT" everyone screamed including me, "Yes, with this in mind, we have enough money to receive our goal, now all of you can play what you want for free" That's when everyone started screaming and shouting and trying to push in just to be the first to play, however, "This seems to good to be true specially since he sounds like" Nicks eyes turn in horror, "It can't be, It can't be, SCOTT.

"So your telling me that Scott is one of your villains, instresting, Tim replied, "I don't know, if it's just me or it's Scott, just from the voice of it, it sounds just like him, his head shape, head colour" Nick replied nervously, "Well if that's the case" Tim replied, then let's spy on him to see any funny activity going on with him.

TUESDAY NIGHT 12:am Inside the apperment

Tim leaped behind a wall in the basement, he singled a sign to come over here, they see the target opening a door and half closing it. Tim and Nick peaked into the room to see a miidropper, but remastered, it looked much more bigger and had way more buttons with different symbols on it, that's when they strike, they pushed open the door slamming it, the target looked behind them and saw Tim and Nick, "Well well well, what do we have here, or I should say, Scott," Nick shouted in anger, "looks like someone got smart and found out," Scott replied, "but do you really think you have a chance to catch me, and just at that moment, before Tim or Nick were able to talk, Scott striked, and grabbed a console and threw it at Tim, hitting him in the forehead clean knocking him out, that's when Nick had to act fast and looked for the nearest weapon, which was a box full of old remotes from tvs and began throwing them as hard as he could, Scott dodged all of them accepted three big ones that hit him right in the face, then Scott screamed in anger and jumped onto Nick knocking him on the floor and, Scott began some punch's until Nick Scott in the stomach, and processed to run for it.

After a while, Tim woke up inside Scott's room where they were before until he remembered getting knocked out, Tim felt a weird headache, possibly from the console that knocked him out clean, he saw the console and and had a flashback where he got hit by the console, Sally rushed into pick Tim up, "Hey pretty mum what you up to," Tim replied in a weird tired voice, "It's me Sally" Sally replied, Tim picked up one of the old black remotes and began pressing buttons, "I'll call my dad using this marvellous iPhone pro 50" Tim mumbled, "I think you need medicine" Sally Answered, "Nah, medicine's for babies, like me," Tim again, mumbled, and took the medicine and took off up the stairs and troped them in the fountain, Sally was right behind him chasing after him, "see, medicine is for winners" Tim replied, "You mean losers" Sally answered, "Whatever" Tim stupidly, "the only place for a drink is here" and Tim started drinking the fountain, "Yuck" Sally yelled, "I'm never touching that fountain again" just then, Tim started wetting his hair and pulling funny faces, that's when Sally forced some sleeping pills down his trout and started carrying Tim back to his room.

Let's get back to what happened before Tim woke up

Nick started running up the stairs while Scott is on his tail, Scott snatches his leg and trips Nick landing his head on the stairs, Nick then does a few kicks and rolls Scott back down the stairs breaking thorough the door, Nick took off with some bruises, Nick quickly runs back up to the exit and goes to his room, he quickly gets the keys out of his pocket and try's to open it, as he's about to open the door, Scott jumps up from one of the emergency trap door exits and jumps onto Nick rolling them into the door smashing a hole, they both quickly get back up in a fighting pose for a few seconds, then Scott snatch's a chair from the work bench and begins hitting Nick repeatedly a few times until Nick gets a bat from the table next to the sofa and smash's the chair in halve, then Scott looks at the chair and back to Nick to see swing the bat at him, Scott quickly ducks to dodge it and stood back up just to get hit clean in the face with a bat, Scott body swings and his head goes though the wall into nicks bathroom, Nick dash's into his bathroom and sees Scott trying to free himself, "You might win this time but next time, you will be done for" Scott says angrily, then Scott fades away, Nick saw that he teleported away, "Darn, Scott was able to get away again, just like always" Nick says to himself, then he remembered about Tim, he quickly told Sally since Nicks to bruised to go down there and get Tim.

Tim wakes up on his bed confused, "was I high last night" Tim replied to himself, then he started rolling onto the flooring and makes a rolling carpet just to get into, Sally walks in to see Tim rolled around a carpet, "Oh come one Tim, not this again" Sally replied,

Will Bobby escape, Will Nick finally beat Scott, Find out in the next chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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