+Who is this?+ 1

731 25 6

= Max phone =

Unknown number *

Hello !!

Seen 12:14 p.m. ✓

Who tf is this?

Seen 12:16 p.m. ✓

That doesn't matter

Seen 12:17 p.m. ✓

Yea but I want to know the fucking creep I'm talking to, who is this?

Seen 12:18 p.m. ✓

Hmm, wait. I'm from camp Campbell !! You were there too a couple years ago !!

Seen 12:18 p.m. ✓

Don't bring up that god-forsaken camp, please

Seen 12:20 p.m. ✓


Seen 12:22 p.m. ✓

Now, who the fuck is this???

Seen 12:23 p.m. ✓

All I will tell you is that I go to your school~

Seen 12:23 p.m. ✓

That's even more fucking creepy you could easily be some old man

who was stalking me and somehow found out my old

Camp and now know my school. Fuck off.

Seen 12:25 p.m. ✓

Wow now you overthinking things there Max~

Seen 12:26 p.m. ✓

Don't say my fucking name. Creep

Seen 12:26 p.m. ✓

You're so oblivious! It's cute~

Seen 12:28 p.m. ✓

I'm disturbed.

Seen 12:30 p.m. ✓

You don't worry for much longer. You will find out who I am soon~ ;)

Seen 12:31 p.m. ✓

Alrighty! Your fucking blocked!

Seen 12:31 p.m. ✓

NononononONONONO WAIT- It's me !

Seen 12:32 p.m. ✓

Saying "it's me!" Aint gonna automatically

let me know who you are. I need your N A M E

Seen 12:34 p.m. ✓

It starts with a "P" and ends with a "reston" ~ ;)

Seen 12:36 p.m. ✓

Dear fucking lord kill me now

Seen 12:36 p.m. ✓


Admin -

Thanks for reading~!! I finally started my new fic !! Woohoo !! I wasn't sure about doing this for awhile. But hey !! I did anyway ="P

I hope you enjoy this ! Thanks so much for reading <3 Please stick along and keep commenting+Voting and you might just get a shoutout !!! I will be doing those every 2 weeks <33

Guess what guys ! Its also my birthday today !!!


(347 - words) last updated 1:30 Am 


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