+ Lets talk~+ 2

585 21 5

= Max phone =

Stupid theatre nerd 

Hey Max!!

Seen 4:14 a.m. ✓

For the love of god please don't talk to me

Seen 4:16 a.m. ✓

Awe, I thought we were frineds :"(

Seen 4:16 a.m. ✓  

tf are "frineds" ??

Seen 4:17 a.m. ✓  

I meant friends !!!

Seen 4:18 a.m. ✓  

Well then learn your fucking grammar

Seen 4:18 a.m. ✓  

No need to swear Max !! I just want to get to know you better

Seen 4:19 a.m. ✓  

Its fucking 4 in the morning let me fucking sleep

Seen 4:21 a.m. ✓ 

But i want to talk!! Everyone is offline im so bored !!

 Seen 4:21 a.m. ✓

Well then go to bed dumbass

Seen 4:23 a.m. ✓  

But I'm not tired !!

Seen 4:25 a.m. ✓  

Well, I am! now piss off

Seen 4:26 a.m. ✓  

Why are you still up at 4 in the morning anyway?

Seen 4:26 a.m. ✓  

Because some annoying shit keeps on making my notifications go off!!

Seen 4:27 a.m. ✓  

Well then turn your notification sound off !!

Seen 4:28 a.m. ✓  

Good idea.

Seen 4:28 a.m. ✓  

Did it work...? Did they stop bothering you??

 unseen 4:28 a.m. ✓


unseen 4:35 a.m. ✓  


unseen 4:38 a.m. ✓  


 unseen 4:40 a.m. ✓ 

Are you dead!!?!?!

unseen 4:42 a.m. ✓  

Why won't you reply !!!

unseen 4:45 a.m. ✓  

Oh yeah-

 unseen 4:55 a.m. ✓

Alright, then two can play it that game!!

 unseen 4:57 a.m. ✓

Sleep well!!

unseen 4:59 a.m. ✓  


(266 - words) Last updated 3:29 pm


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