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It's hard to describe a kiss, especially when you've never felt one.

Some people base their knowledge of kisses off their personal experience, some lament the lack of practice, others complain about the the wider world's inability to kiss normally these days.

And then there's us, people who have gone through life without that kind of experience and who sometimes feel ashamed we haven't had it, jumping to all sorts of conclusions we wouldn't like to think about ourselves.

Yet some people are cursed. Sometimes all it takes is one person's reluctancy to be The One to throw you off reality, to sink deep into your own nightmares and realise there's no getting away.

The curse may sound ephemeral, yet it isn't. Especially when you see someone who looks almost exactly like them.

This is supposed to be about Tom Riddle yet all I can feel is confusion. We breathe into the characters other people created to feel like they are breathing, and yet it's just our own existence being thrown back at us.

They are never going to exist.

Yet we cannot forgive them for it.

Kissing Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now