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Jimin gulps, looking at the broken vase on his bedroom floor. He freezes mid-squat. He doesn't know if he should clean it up with nothing over his hands. He considers the vase for a moment before sitting on the floor next to the pile. It shouldn't hurt him.

Jimin begins scooping up the larger fragments into his hands. He hums Adult Ceremony under his breath. He closed his eyes, imagining the beat. That's when it happens.

"OWWW!" Jimin cries out with a sob. Footsteps pound along the floor as the members race to his bedroom. Jimin looks at the blood running out a small cut in his thumb.

When Hoseok sees the blood, his face pales. He's never been good with blood. Seeing it makes his knees weak. Jin turns Hoseok's face away without a word. He remembers. He gets it.

Yoongi ambles into the side bathroom attached to Jimin's room. Jungkook and Taehyung try to shush Jimin. Namjoon places the smaller into his lap, hoping to comfort him. Jin grabs a stuffed bear for Jimin to hold with his other hand.

Yoongi comes back with the first aid kit and two wet washcloths. Jin takes one of them and pats at the sweat on Jimin's brow. Yoongi gently takes hold of Jimin's wrist for his hurt hand. Without being touched yet, Jimin can already tell it's going to hurt. He whimpers and turns his face into the crook of Namjoon's neck.

Taehyung and Jungkook are given the job of distracting their small hyung while Hoseok sings lowly, hoping to sooth the younger. Yoongi takes hold of the tweezers. He pinches the edge of the stuck glass. He pulls it out, careful not to make the hole widen.

Jimin hisses in pain as rubbing alcohol is dabbed onto the cut and it's opening. Yoongi bandages him up as fast as he can. Once it's all over, Yoongi pats Jimin's knee to signal that.

Jimin sniffles, looking at his hyung with watery eyes. Yoongi coos at him. That's it. Jimin launches himself onto Yoongi. The older catches him easily, petting the back of his head.

They know what Jimin is like when he's upset. The boy struggles with being comforted by words alone. Jimin needs affection like a dehydrated woman needs water. They all know that and understand.

Jungkook sits back, watching. He feels an odd emotion hit him as he watches Jimin being comforted by Yoongi. He sticks the tip of his tongue into the inside of his right cheek. Something it doesn't sit right with him.

However, Yoongi must know what that emotion is because as soon as he sees Jungkook's face, he tells the maknae to take Jimin and go have fun. Jungkook's face lights up and he could cheer when he sees Jimin's grabby hands. He picks up Jimin marriage style before taking his adorable hyung with him to his room.

Yoongi smiles as he watches them go. He turns to Jin before glancing at Hoseok. "Hobi... You okay?" Hoseok subconsciously shakes his head no. He's staring at the blood on the floor. Yoongi takes a deep breath.

"Namjoon and Jin? Can you two clean up the rest of the glass? Taehyung, can you pack up the first aid kit? I have to talk to Hobi about something?" They nod. Taehyung waves at Yoongi. He blows an exaggerated kiss back. The younger blushes. Since when was his hyung so bold?

Yoongi steers Hoseok into his room. As soon as the younger sits, he opens his mouth.

"I'm not a good hyung for Jimin... He was crying and in pain and yet- I still couldn't help him!" Hoseok stares blankly ahead.

Yoongi places an unsure hand on his back. "And yet, despite your fear of blood, you stayed in the room. You didn't faint. You stayed conscious. You sang to him." He pauses to ruffle Hoseok's hair. "You're an excellent hyung."

"Thank you, hyung." Hoseok embraces Yoongi for a moment before standing up. "I'm going to go check on Namjoon."

Yoongi frowns. "What's wrong with Joon?" He can't think of anything that could have made him upset.

Hoseok smiles with a soft chuckle. "Maybe I'll tell you when you're older, hyung."

Yoongi stands up, chasing after the naughty dongsaeng. "YAHHH!"

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