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Jungkook and Jimin cuddled closer towards each other, almost bumping heads. Jungkook plays with Jimin's fingers, deep in thought, while Jimin chews on his bottom lip. He wonders what's inside of the younger's head. Jungkook turns so his back is facing Jimin as he thinks even harder. 

Jungkook swallows hard before opening his mouth. Jimin can hear the deep exhale that releases and he braces for impact. Knowing Jungkook for as many years as he has now, and knowing that Jungkook often suffers from internalized homophobia; Jimin already has a guess of what Jungkook may have to say.

"You know how I care a lot for all of you guys?" Jungkook starts. It isn't the direction he was going to go but at least it's a start of something.

"Umm yeah... We all love and care for one another." Jimin responds with a half-hearted chuckle. He wasn't expecting to hear that of all things and it makes him uneasy. He tightens his arms around Jungkook's waist. 

Jungkook shifts a bit before clearing his throat to continue. "Yeah but sometimes... I don't know..." 

Jimin's eyebrows furrow. What in the world is the maknae saying now? Does he regret joining BTS? Does he regret meeting everyone? What is he going on about? 

As if sensing Jimin's internal panic, Jungkook sighs before turning around. He presses his forehead against Jimin's before opening his mouth once more. 

"I don't know what this is between you and I... You have rimmed me, tied me up, sucked me off and yet you refuse to let me kiss you... I see you as my hyung and yet I feel too much for you for that to be the only kind of feeling... "

Jimin's heart soars. Maybe Jungkook will finally open up about his romantic feelings and finally confess-

"I feel like what we're doing is wrong..."

What the fuck. That son of a bitch.

"Jungkook..." Jimin pulls back, taking several deep breaths. He tries to steel himself before he continues. He tries his hardest not to even think of yelling. He opens his mouth...


and yells at poor Kookie...

"I mean I feel as if we are not doing what is right for Bangtan. I feel like this should be a hyung and dongsaeng relationship and a professional relationship. You touch me in ways that are not right, hyung. I don't know. I feel like maybe you don't have a good handle on your emotions. You're supposed to be the hyung here and tell me right from wrong. You should be proud of me! I figured it out on my own!!!"

Jimin inhales... Exhales. He looks deep into Jungkook's eyes. All Jimin can feel is pain. Immense, soul crushing pain...

"Please... Please, Kookie. Please tell me this is some sick kind of joke. Tell me you're just a little confused about your sexuality, your emotions and your feelings. Tell me you just can't put it into words... Tell me this wasn't just me doing sexual favors for you..."

Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows, looking right into his hyung's eyes. Jungkook scratches his collarbone for a moment and squirms. He pulls back until Jimin's arms slide off of him. 

"Jimin... I'm sorry. I've always been straight. I thought you were just helping me cum as a bro. You know? No homo? That's it."

Jimin sniffles for a bit, chews on his tongue and sets his jaw. "Get the fuck out."

Jungkook sits up a bit, leaning on his elbow. "Wait- What?"

"Get the fuck out of my room. You think you can just use me and my body for your pleasure and then completely dismiss me?? You got another thing fucking coming. You want a hyung and dongsaeng relationship? You fucking got it. You want a professional relationship? You fucking got it. You are not my friend. You are my coworker. A bandmate. You are another person living in the same household who is under me because of age. That's it."

Jimin pauses. He almost reconsiders. Jungkook's eyes are full to the brim with tears. Jungkook is shaking already. Not a peep falls from his lips.

"Now... Get the fuck out of my room, my bed and my heart."

Jungkook perks up at the word 'heart'. Wait... Does Jimin love.... No. No way.

"LEAVE!" Jungkook scrambles, tripping over the blanket that had covered their nude bodies. He wraps the stray towel from the computer chair around his waist for modesty, to hide his shame... He runs out of Jimin's room. He runs straight for Yoongi's.

At first, Yoongi was very confused. A naked maknae running straight for you with tears all down his cheeks? Rare sight. Then he saw Jungkookie. He really saw him. He saw the pain on his face and didn't say anything about what happened though he was curious. He just heard the poor maknae until he cried his broken confused heart to sleep.

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