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my first book and no experience ! lmao idk if this is gonna be good

It was the usual Monday. Frank Iero, the hot-ass 17-year-old. Then there was Gerard Way, the 'emo fag' 16-year-old. Both secret admirers of each other, although they were best friends, they both knew they liked each other.

Frank groaned loudly as his alarm beeped on his bedside table. He rolled over and turned it off, rubbing his eyes and yawning as his dog came running in his room. "Hey, hey sweetpea. I missed you!" He picked her up and placed her on his bed, petting her for a few minutes.


Frank quickly tied his black converse, his black jacket zipped all the way up and his ripped skinny jeans bagging a bit. His bag swung over his shoulder as he shouted a goodbye to his moms {Frank has two moms in this shhh} and rushed out the door. He rubbed his eyes again, making his way to school, wishing the bullies wouldn't catch up with him as he was purposely making himself late.


As soon as the bell rung, Frank had only just made it into hell (also known as school.) His first lesson was art with Mr. Weekes. He never found art too hard, but he always rushed and made it look like he tried his hardest, which he obviously didn't.

He made his way into the art room, rolling his eyes just at the sight of the teacher. Mr. Weekes was hot. But Frank wasn't gay. At least that's what he told himself after every boner he got in the middle of class from his teacher.

After everyone got in their seats, small chatters floated around the small room, Frank had his head pressed against the desk, drowning out everything until the work was handed out.

Mr. Weekes began to explain the project for today's lesson, Frank slowly dozing off as he spoke. "Alright class, I want you to continue with your sketches, add some color to it after everything is finished and then do another after you've finished. Please do your best, and- FRANK IERO!"

Frank's head shot up and he gasped, choking on the spit that arrived at the back of his mouth. "S-Sorry si-sir... It won't happen again." He sighed, coughing as he rolled his eyes at the pointless shouting that caused him to nearly pee himself.


Art was over, time to go gaze at Gerard in Maths, the hot emo fag that was also Frank's best friend.


It was lunch, the only time he and Gerard could actually speak together. Gerard went to their normal seats, out in the courtyard, waiting for Frank, Ray, and Mikey to tag along too.

Frank smiled big as he saw Gerard, unzipping his jacket to reveal his Black Flag t-shirt Gerard had bought him for his birthday.

"Hey Gee, I missed you. Why didn't you text me this morning?"

"O-Oh... Uhm... I w-was grounded. I got into a fight with Pete again.." Gee stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

Frank put his elbows on the table and grunted. "Fucking hell Gee! I told you not to speak to him! I swear to god if he lays a motherfucking fin-"

Frank was shushed by a rock being thrown at his back. He rose from his seat, his face building up with anger as he laughed softly, getting out some of the anger.

It was Ryan and Brendon. The biggest dicks of all the Jocks.

"Who the fuck threw that at me? Was it Ryan? You little fuck!" Frank growled, making his way over to the taller boys.

"Ooh~ Look at this short-ass. Dude, you couldn't hurt a fucking fly if you tried!" Brendon pushed Frank back forcefully, making him fall back and graze his elbow.

Frank gritted his teeth and sucked in his breath, getting up as soon as he could and swinging his fist, making it collide with the taller boy's jaw. Just watching his face twist to the side and his eyes clench together was so satisfying to say the most. Frank didn't want this anymore, he wanted it all to stop. Gerard watched them in fear, not having enough confidence to step up for his best friend. Frank quickly kicked Brendon's knee, making him fall to the ground. Frank straddled Brendon, continuing to punch his deadly face, blood dripping from his nose- his broken nose. Gerard shook his head and burst into tears, grabbing Frank by his shoulders and pulling him away, Frank screamed and tried getting out of his grip, not strong enough to do so though.

Ryan had run off halfway through the fight. There was no way that he'd snitch on Frank, or he knew he'd get worse than Brendon.


hi! i really dont know how to feel about this book. i got some ideas from a load of different stories i've read but yeahhh..
i also might change it to Gerard's or Frank's POV. It's kinda hard doing it in 3rd personnnHHhh ok bye xox
--mwah xoclyde

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