Final Battle

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Teleportation. Lady Wifi is riding a pink icon over to Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawkmoth: Yes, Ladybug's miraculous is mine at last! (evil laugh)

Chat Noir suddenly tackles Lady Wifi.

Hawkmoth: No, no no! Get that pest off your trail! Take his miraculous too if you can.

Lady Wifi suddenly dives towards the roof of a nearby building. Chat Noir flips towards her, but she swoops to the side right before he can get her, and he crashes into the roof.

Chat Noir: Well played Miss Got-a-connection, but the cat (he jumps after Lady Wifi) is back for more!

Lady Wifi throws up a pink slider, puts Ladybug's miraculous on it, and sends it off to Hawk Moth's lair. Chat Noir realizes what she has done, and tackles her before he can stop himself. He goes after the slider as Lady Wifi tosses a barrage of pink pause icons after him. Chat Noir notices that the slider is going to the Agreste mansion, his own house.

Chat Noir: No, it can't be. . . .

Hawk Moth: You fool! Now he's gonna know my location. Get him away, before I take away your powers!

Lady Wifi: I'm working on it.

Chat Noir jumps to the slider icon and reaches to it at the same time as Lady Wifi shoots a perfectly aimed pause icon. Chat Noir's fist closes around the miraculous right as he is hit by the pause icon. He freezes and the slider zooms off. Hawk Moth throws one of his tantrum things

Hawk Moth: NO!

Lady Wifi gets in a position where she is in front of Chat Noir, almost grabbing his fist. She quickly deletes the pause icon and grabs his fist, trying to wrench his fist open. This keeps him from falling.

Chat Noir: I didn't know teleportation was one of your abilities.

Lady Wifi: Give me the miraculous!!!!

Chat Noir: It would be miraculous if you manage to get it from me.

Lady Wifi growls as she tries to pry his fingers open. Chat Noir shoots his baton so it shoots her away from him. He falls and lands on a building. He runs towards the hotel as Lady Wifi goes after him. He hops in through the doors on the roof, just barely avoiding a pink pause icon. He runs back to the kitchen and quickly puts the miraculous back on Marinette.

Marinette: Ready, Tikki?

Lady Wifi bursts through the door.

Tikki: Say the words.

Marinette transforms into Ladybug.

Chat Noir: Good to see you again m'lady.

Hawk Moth: NO!!! How could you let her get her miraculous back?!?!? Get it back, NOW!!!!!

Lady Wifi goes to get Ladybug's miraculous but Chat Noir tackles her to the ground.

Ladybug: Lucky charm!

Ladybug: Chat, my yoyo!

Chat Noir gives Ladybug her yoyo, and she captures the akuma and turns it back into a normal butterfly. Chat Noir gives her the fork, and she tosses it in the air. The fork explodes into a blast of energy that turns everything normal, and Lady Wifi turns back into Alya.

If Lady Wifi had taken Ladybug's miraculous [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now