Alternative Ending. Friends Forever.

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(Lione saves Blair, They die together)
After that message, I stepped forward. Suprised by a door swinging open.

I turned to look who opened it..Lione.She grasped her phone. Looking me in the eyes.

I stared back. I sighed, was she going to send me to theraphy? I hope not.

I was taken aback, when she appeared next to me, holding my hand.

"Let's die together." Lione says, clutching my hand.

I argued for a bit, but accepted her choice. It's better to die with your friend then dying alone.

We both jumped off, holding hands. Smiling as we hit the floor. Blood gushing out.

I turned to face her, she did too. We both laughed at the pain, before we both closed our eyes, for eternity.

Still clutching hands, and forever together in the after life.

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