chapter 30

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Chapter 30 

I looked at the phone silently. To have heard his voice at all was enough to put me at ease.He calmed me in a way no one else could. It was as if he was right there next to me. I could feel him his strong arms around me protecting me. His minty chocolate breath on my neck soothing me. That woodsy scent of his that always seemed to intoxicate me. I felt a smile graze my lips.

A few minutes later we heard footsteps fast approaching the cabin. Lisa and I stared at each other in panic. I looked at the phone clumsily held in my bound hands. Where was I going to put it? I saw the door jiggle. I quickly managed to shove it in my pocket. I really didn't have time to put it in my bra again.

Lisa clung to my arm, I could feel her tremble against me. I looked at her sadly, it was my fault that she was in this position. How many horrifying things had he done to her? What types of tortures did he inflict on her body? But that wasn't a real hard question, anyone who saw her body could see she had been through hell. I squeezed her hand in reassurance, though I doubt it did anything for her.

The door burst open, Alric came through looking out of breath like he had run. He looked angry and downright menacing.

"What did you do?" he hissed marching toward me

I looked at him confusedly, how could he have figured out that I made a call. I knew he was a psycho, but was he telepathic as well. I looked around not seeing a single camera anywhere in the room. And he couldn't have been close enough to hear. Not if he had to run to get here. So what in the world was he talking about? I stared at him blankly totally bewildered.

"ANSWER ME," He screamed.

Apparently, he doesn't like to be ignored. Because I found myself being lifted into the air by my collar. With Lisa still clinging to my arm, lifting me up was a little difficult. Which resulted in him jostling my broken leg, I hissed in pain.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I stammered my leg causing me pain.

"You don't huh?" he mocked questioned me.

I shook my head.

"Well, then shall I enlighten you?" he asked.

Before he savagely threw me to the ground and kicked my broken leg. A scream ripped from my throat. He threw Lisa away from me. I landed flat on my stomach, becoming almost blinded by the pain. A whimper escaped my lips. I heard him walk away from me. But then just as quickly he was back. I heard a something being dragged on the floor before it landed on me.

I managed to curl into a ball to block as much as I could. But the pain was ripping through my body. One wave after another of pain seemed to be crashing against my body. I could feel the blood in my mouth. A result of how hard I was biting my lip, in order to not scream. I could feel the tears of pain slid down my face.

"Please stop...PLEASE STOP... YOU"RE GOING TO KILL HER," screamed Lisa desperately.

I wanted her to stop talking, what if he rounded on her. If he was going to hurt someone, best it be me.

"Shhhh...Lisa... quite,"  I managed to whisper between my lips.

She didn't hear me. 

"STOP PLEASE STOP," she screamed.

He momentarily stopped

"Are you going to talk now?" he questioned.

It took a minute for me to find my voice

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