The Second Meeting

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Ciel Phantomhive

An unhappy frown came across (Y/N)'s face as she looked up at the cold grey stoned building of the orphanage. Since she has no family alive or willing to take her in, she bow has to live the rest of her days in this miserable place antil she gets kicked out for being too old, no one adopts the older children and that's a fact.
She looked up at the policeman who was accompanying her and was carrying her small suitcase. He noticed the worried look on her face and face her hair a ruffle. "It'll be okay love, you'll find it comfortable here, and you'll have more friends!" He tried to make her see a more positive light, but, it just wasn't working. "Why can't I just live in my own house. Mama paid for all the bills and everything." She complained, her eyes getting teary. "Now now, you know why you have to stay here (Y/N). The matrons are very nice ladies and will treat you right."
A few minutes later, (Y/N) was being shown round the orphanage by one of the matrons, being lead up to the top floor into a room that held three other girls. "The bed and bedside table are yours, your clothes go in the shared wardrobe, okay (Y/N)?" "Yes matron..." She spoke quietly, placing her suitcase on the bed before starting to unpack her things whilst the other girls stared at her with curiosity, after all, she was a new girl. She hung her clothes up in the wardrobe and hugged onto the small rag doll her mother made her when she was a baby, sitting down on her bed.
A month had gone by and everyone was woken up early to get ready for the day out that the Funtom company had graciously put together. The children were going to the theatre to see a play put on by the company. Most of the younger children were excited whilst the eldest, not too much. (Y/N) was one that wasn't too happy about this. She's been getting nightmares about the night and has barely been able to sleep at all. She changed into the orphanage uniform and after two hours, everyone was ready. The older kids kept an eye on the youngest as they were all guided through the town, being watched with pitiful eyes. The orphans were pitied quite a lot, due to others not being able to imagine a world where they were family and parent less.
The large group soon arrived at the theatre and they slowly filed in, filling up about half of the seats. (Y/N) was sat in the middle of row five, the matrons scattered around the younger ones so the older children were alone, making the girl slightly nervous. They weren't very nice to her and always found a way to make fun of her.
The play began a few minutes after, signalised by the drawn curtains opening, taking everyone's attention apart from the teenagers, who had once again started to make fun of her again, mostly aimed at how she still carried her rag doll around and that she was lucky she wasn't having the life beaten out of her.
She could feel tears rolling down her cheeks the whole time the play was going on, looking directly forward so they couldn't see her face as they continued to hurl abuse at the girl throughout the whole performance, continuing whilst they started to leave the theatre though they were all at the back.
She began to get shoved around whilst they were climbing up the stairs to the lobby, however, one gave her a hard shoulder push straight in the chest, making her stumble backwards. She tried to steady herself though the small heel of her shoes caught on the wooden planks causing her to trip and scream out as she made contact with the sharp yet dull edges of each stair whilst she tumbled down. After a few seconds of painful falling, she landed sprawled out on the carpet, her vision dancing around in circles. She spotted a mop of blueish-black hair and a eye patch before her eyes began to roll back into her head as she passed out, feeling her body being picked up.
(Y/N) soon woke up a couple minutes later, her head throbbing. She looked around to find herself in the orphanage but she was on the sofa in the head matron's office and her head was resting on someone's lap. "Move slowly (Y/N), your head has had a bit of a bash." A soft posh voice instructed her. It belonged to the person she was leaning on. She slowly sat up and saw her suitcase packed at the door with a familiar red eyed man. She then looked up at the person she was passed out on. Blueish black hair and an eyepatch. "You were there when ma-" "When your mother was killed. We found who was behind it." (Y/N) nodded her head with a small smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "Yes... I-I read it in the newspaper I found tossed into the playground..."

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