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Night: Saturday, November 12th 2005
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

When my nails are dry, I squeeze into my little black dress and scrutinize myself in the mirror. Should I really go with this? Maybe I should do a few sit ups before heading out? I’m meeting my friends at our hotspot, Blvd44. It’s just this really chill nightclub not too far from the uni. We go there –I won’t say all the time,-- but occasionally, I suppose.

I check my phone, it’s 5:40. I’m gonna be late. I comb my fingers through my curls, there’s no time. I grab my sling bag and jacket and head out. I opted for a simple makeup look, just a cateye, subtle mascara paired with some tinted lipgloss. With how wasted I’m planning on getting, there really is no point into putting more effort into my look. I look cute enough for a couple free drinks but conservative enough not to draw much attention to myself. A much-needed balance!

Urgh! The thing is, I couldn’t really predrink, since my parents aren’t drinkers. We have no ounce of alcohol within the household! Literally the closest thing we have are sodas, sparkling water and Christian wine. --And last time I checked, you can’t get drunk off of those, believe me, I’ve tried. The most you’ll get is a stomach ache and sugar rush.-- All of this to say: I’ll have a lot of catching up to do tonight, because I know for certain my friends got their head start!!

I have my cash, check. I have my i.d, check. How about gum and lipgloss? Check and check. Great, I have everything!

I just started walking to the bus stop and already my feet are killing me. Maybe I should go back and change into something other than these stilettos?

As I’m turning the corner and looking through my wallet for my bus ticket, the bus arrives. I start to run (terribly) in my heels but the light turns green and it swooshes by me. You’ve got to be freaking kidding me?! THAT right there is the kind of luck I have!!

I sigh. Today cannot get any worse. I flop my hair to shield my face. What have I done, universe, to deserve this horrible treatment from you? A car pulls to the curb, the engine stops and the vibrant music dies down. The driver rolls down the window. Not this again. What could they possibly want from me? I hold my bag closer to my side and start to walk hurriedly.

The person bursts into laughter and opens the passenger door, just as I try to pass the car. “Get in the car idiot, we're going clubbing!”

Chris?! A gasp escapes my mouth. “Wha-what are you doing here??”

“I had a feeling much hadn’t changed with you—” he muffles the next part, “Like your punctuality... I was in the area and took my chances. The guys told me you were meeting up. You're welcome?”

I scowl and get in the car. Chris is back?! He's been back for under a minute and has given me years worth of annoyance. I’ll definitely need a few drinks, because with this guy, it’s only sinning and trouble. I gulp and buckle up. I’ll blame the drinks for how I act tonight.

The car is uncomfortably quiet.

“Woah there stranger. No ‘hey, how’s it going?’” He says in his typical Chris voice.

I turn up the volume of his radio. No talking, if we talk I might strangle the guy. I can't afford going to jail when I'm trying to graduate... I couldn’t strangle him, he’s giving me a ride for crying out loud! I can feel the steam coming out of my ears and I swear he sees it too.

He doesn’t say much throughout the entirety of the car ride. He parks a few blocks away from the club. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and he simply stares at me.

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