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Yoongi's p.o.v


I was over at Jennie's. Her dog had recently given birth to a few puppies. This particular puppy captured my heart. It was staring at me with those sad and desperate looking eyes. Jennie saw me interested at that dog.

"Do you want to keep one of them? I need to find new owners for them." Jennie asked.

"Can I really keep one of them? I don't know how to take care of dogs." I replied, uncertain of how I would take care of the puppy.

"Stay over longer then! I'll teach you!"

Taehyung's p.o.v

*time skip*

Y/N and I were playing with Sherlock before going off to school.

"AHH! SHERLOCK! I THINK I JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU! WILL YOU MARRY ME?" Y/N asked Sherlock, half shouting, while cupping his face.

"HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME?" I went along with her, actually being a little jealous.

"LET'S BREAK UP! PFFTHAHAH!" Y/N tried holding her laughter but to avail. I laughed with her.

"What were we doing?" I asked, still trying to hold my laughter.

"I don't know either!" She replied.

We ended up laughing harder. Out of joy, I gave her a peck on her lips. Sherlock looked at us and tilted his head, confused. Seeing how innocent he was, I laughed even more.

Your p.o.v

*at school*

The first period for me was English lesson. Only Namjoon and I was in that class. I was walking down the hallway together to the lecture hall with him. Then, I heard Namjoon mumbling.

"Huh? What did you say?"

He sighed and whispered into my ear. I was surprised.

"He really likes me?"

I always treated him as a brother. I didn't except Jimin to like me...

*right before recess*

It was Math class. Only Jimin and I were in that class. The others were having Art class. The bell for recess rang.

"Jimin!" I called him as I saw him walking ahead of me in the distance.

"Hmm?" He turned around.

"Namjoon told me that you like me."

"Don't worry, I'll try to overcome my feelings."

"Thanks Jimin! And I'm sorry I can't be with you. I hope you find your true love. Still BFF?"

"Always BFF!"

I walked together with Jimin to the canteen. I was relieved that I talked with Jimin. And sorry Lisa for not keeping your secret!

Jimin's p.o.v

I was glad that Y/N knew about my feelings, but I'll give her to Taehyung. She can never be mine, she will always be Tae's. I have to admit, I ship them so much. Y/N also told me that Lisa likes me. I actually knew long ago but I didn't want to give her false hope so I avoid her a few times. Lisa is a very kind and bubbly girl, it's no doubt a boy wouldn't fall for her... WAIT! WHAT AM I SAYING NOW?!

I invited her over to my house after school to watch some movies. Yep! Just the two of us.

Lisa's p.o.v

I was so excited. Jimin actually invited me over to his house! What should I wear? I was in a state of dilemma. In the end, I chose a simple black crop top and a pink mini skirt.

I walked over to Jimin's house. It was within walking distance. I rang the doorbell. Jimin opened the door. OMG! He was so cute!

"Welcome! Come on in!" He gestured for me to come in.

Jimin's p.o.v

I brought Lisa to the living room. Then, I put the "Annabelle" CD in the CD player. We waited for the CD to load. When the movie played, Lisa was scared to death. She hugged my waist and buried her face in my chest.

"Hey! You didn't tell me that we were watching this!" She whined.

I laughed at how cute Lisa was. The whole movie she was hugging me. Every time she tried looking at the screen, she'll just end up hugging me tighter. I didn't pay attention to the movie. All my attention was on Lisa.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Hmm?" Then I realised that she was looking up at me, wondering why I was staring at her face. I quickly looked away and pretended to be focusing on the movie.

"No. It's nothing." I replied.

She shrugged and looked at the screen. Before she could even remember it was a horror movie, a bloody doll appeared on the screen. She winced and turned back to me. I suddenly felt her lips on my neck. She wasn't kissing me but it felt so good. I lifted her head so that she could face me.

Lisa's p.o.v

Jimin held my face so that I could face him. Before I could even ask what he was doing, I felt his lips crashing down on mine. I was confused and surprised, but I neither kiss him back nor push him back. He pulled away.

"Can I be your boyfriend?"

"Does this give you an answer?" I gave him a peck on his cheek.

He smirked and kissed me again.

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