n i n e

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(quick side note: look at the pic! i've never seen that picture before, other people probably have, but oh my!!! i love them two! ok back to the story!)

I don't remember falling asleep, but I guess I did. I wake up about an hour later, at around 6:30, still laying on Jacob. When I sit up, I notice that he has fallen asleep too, and now the TV is on, so I'm assuming he started watching TV when I fell asleep, and so then he did, too. He is so cute asleep.

As I start to get off the couch to go to the restroom, I try to get up as quietly and stealthy as I can, but I fail and he wakes up.

"Hey I'm just going to the restroom," I say.

"Ok," Jacob says in a tired tone. As I'm leaving the room I see him start to fall asleep again.

When I return I lay back down on him, same as before, and again I wake him. I kind of made a point to get extra comfy on purpose just to wake him.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure, what movie?"

"I was thinking... maybe... 'Can't Buy Me Love'?" I suggest.

"What movie is that?"

"It stars Patrick Dempsey, it's really good, we're watching it."

"Haha ok Miss Bossy," Jacob says sarcastically.

I lightly punch him in the arm and we just start laughing.

We watch the movie, and when the movie ends, it is about 8:00 at night. My mom is coming home late because she has to finish up making her presentation for work.

"Hey I should probably go, it's getting late," Jacob said, slowly getting up off the couch.

"Nooooooooo, don't leaveeeeeeee," I say in a slightly whiny childish tone, grabbing his hand.

"I know I don't want to go," Jacob says, leaning down and giving me a sweet little kiss, and pulling back to say, "but I have to."

"Ugh, ok fine," I say with a fake pouty face.

I walk him to the door and after he opens the door and steps out, he turns around and looks at me.

"God you're beautiful," he says. I heart melts.

I lean in and kiss him one last time, a sweet small kiss.

"Bye Hawthorne," I say.

"Bye Williams."

After he leaves, I finish up my homework fast. Good thing I don't have any tests or quizzes this week. I start to prepare dinner, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. I leave some on the stove for my mom, if she is hungry. I eat real quick, go upstairs, bush my teeth and wash my face, put on my soft and comfy $5.00 "sweatpants" from Forever 21 and my large t-shirt, put my hair in a bun, check my phone for any notifications, check Snapchat and Instagram, go lay down in my comfy bed, and fall asleep.

The next morning, my alarm goes off and I get up. I go to my bathroom, brush my teeth wash my face, fix up my hair (curl it), and go to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I decide on my blue and white floral off-the-shoulder top, my light blue jeans, and my white Nike shoes.

When I drive up to school, at my usual parking spot, I see Jacob standing right in front of my spot.

"Hey Summer," he says.

"Hey Hawthorne," I say back, getting my backpack out of the backseat and locking my car.

I walk over to Jacob and we give each other a quick peck, he puts his arm around my shoulders, and we walk into school.

School goes by as normal, class to class to another boring class, blah blah blah etc.

After the last bell, everyone files out of their classes and head to their lockers. When I get to mine, Jacob is already there waiting for me, talking to his friends Andrew and Cole.

"Hey boys," I say to all three of them.

"Hey Summer," Andrew and Cole say in unison.

"See you around bro," Andrew says to Jacob.

"Bye guys," Jacob replies. Andrew and Cole wave to me and walk away.

"So what's up Jacob?" I ask him.

"I was thinking you could come watch me at football practice today."

"You play football?"

"Yeah, I am a Running Back."

"Oh I see, well I'll come watch you practice," I say.

"Great, just go to the bleachers in a few."

"Alright," I reply.

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and then he walks towards the boy's locker room. After taking my books out of my locker, I head towards the bleachers, find a seat at the top, and just settle there. I see the boys run out onto the field, but I don't know which one is Jacob since they have helmets on. Well, I don't know who is who until I see a player look up at me, take two fingers, kiss them, and then do a salute sign with the two fingers (touch forehead then flick wrist outward along with hand). I do it back in return, maybe this can be our thing.

Once practice is over, I head over to the chain fence that separates the bleaches from the field, and Shawn runs to the fence as well.

"Nice practice Hawthorne," I say.

"Why thank you ma'am," he replies.

"That little hand thing you did on the field, maybe that can be our thing," I suggest, "I did it in return."

"Ok, that will be our thing Summer." A large grin appears on his face. He leans in and gives me a nice long kiss.

I smile at him, he smiles at me, and then he walks towards the boy's locker room. Once he reaches the door and opens it, he looks back at me and does "our sign" and I do it back.

Man I love him. Wait... I love him.

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