Chapter 27 Hand in hand forever

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Max and Chomp ran into another room. The door closed behind them.

They were expecting the enemy, but Zepar was nowhere to be found. They noticed someone else, a blonde. Long wavy hair, a white lab cloak. She turned around.

"I was expecting you, Max," she said by two different voices. When he saw the left purple eye behind the glasses he stopped. Her right eye was dark, she had a dark mark on it and her hand.

"No... R-"

Another door opened. Rex and Zoe with their dinosaurs in battle forms entered the room. "Max!" Their friend was staring at the person that was supposed to be their foe.

Zoe noticed her and could say only her name.

"What are you doing here?" Max asked. "Are you okay? You shouldn't be here, it's dangerous," Zoe said. She didn't answer. "Can't you two see it?" Rex wondered, "she is..." He didn't want to say that, not in front of Zoe.

"What are we?" she asked him, "a traitor? Exactly. Let everybody hear it, Reese Drake is a dirty liar and traitor!"

"No! That isn't true! Whatever you are, don't take over my sister's face!" Zoe yelled. "That would be kinda hard. Don't you recognize even your own sister?"

"What...? Stop! You aren't my sister!"

"Oh, little Zoe. You still don't get it. Do you really believe Reese would never do something wrong? Open your eyes and you'll finally see the truth. She traded herself to me for you, she betrayed you."

"No..." Zoe noticed the last crystal in Reese's hand. She was giving her a questioning look, she was waiting for sister's explanation. "What does this mean, Reese?" she asked.

"Zoe... I am the one who created the last crystal and brought Zepar back." "But why would you do that?" Max interrupted her. "Zoe, do you remember what you told me that morning after Rex went away?"

"I wanted everything to come back. I wanted Rex to come back..." Zoe remembered.

"When I went to D-lab there was... Something," Reese continued, "I felt its power, it was... calling me... I somehow knew it can help me to make all three of you happy. I had nothing to lose. I've been experimenting with that 'cloud' of energy. I had two bases for it, grass and moon crystal. I became the owner of the last crystal. I didn't use it. But I've created a monster that is hunting you down."


"That whole time, you were the targets. And she as well. The power of the last crystal is the only thing that can give me my power to destroy you. If you want to stop it, you have to destroy us. Both of us."

"Reese! Please, snap out of this!" Zoe shouted as she was heading closer to her sister. "I can't..." "Please..."

Zoe stopped when she was close enough. "Doesn't matter what happened, you are still my sister," she said.

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