oops, i dropped my lungs in the ocean. [5]

33 0 1

"My mind clouded, thoughts of you surround. The storm inside my mind seemed fictional.
w h e n
y o u
w e r e n ' t
a r o u n d"



"Listen, I understand you don't talk much but it's been half an hour and its our second coffee, why don't you say something?"

I stared at her, my mouth half open. I think I said something. I'm not sure but-


Her eyes narrowed into slits.

Did I say something wrong?

She chuckled. "You're so difficult. Almost an hour and you say 'oh'. Unbelievable!"

I could feel my body temperature rising, my skin was on fire even though it was so cold outside.

"Are you blushing?"

I sighed, I was positive I wasn't. She was just teasing.
I didn't want to have a conversation. Not after what I saw yesterday, she obviously had better "friends" than me,

why was she wasting her time on me?

She looked out the window with a smile on her face,

"I saw you in the music room of our school the other day, you were writing those things on a paper"

"Things?" I quirked an eyebrow, amused.

"Those.. Uhm...Musical notes? I heard you play a bit so I asked around. A few people said that's unusual."

The coffee looks very interesting.

I gulped, "yeah I was just..."

Abrupt words seemed to cover the table falling out of her mouth. I heard a few
"Uh no! Its okay" and something around "Just asking" and "no explanation".

I was too fixated on the fact that she heard me play to say anything.

The water was consuming me, the liquid that I was drinking no longer tasted bitter.




I could hear the waves. Blurred sounds of a faint piano was heard and I swear I could see coral out the window. I was engulfed in the stream and I could feel her words circle my tongue like a whirpool. The sounds in a drowning concerto.
My lungs were filled with liquid and my eyes were stinging. My breathing was stopping and my throat closed up with suffocating screams.

I'm drowning.

"Hello?" She said.

I opened my eyes, it was still a blur. "Huh?"

"No, I'm at a cafe with a friend."

She's not talking to me.

"What? Now? Okay. Yes."

She was on the phone?

"Thanks babe. Bye"


She stood up abruptly and said something I didn't quite hear.

Why can't I say anything?

"You should talk more."

And walked out. I watched her out the door and lean down to the window of a blue car that pulled up.
A blonde head peeked out and kissed her. She smiled and got into the car.

The ocean surrounded them as my eyes made the bitter coffee a drop more salty.


A/N - Thank you guys for the reads! I couldn't be happier ❤️

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